class LinkChecker end describe LinkChecker do before do @agent = @agent.agent.http.ca_file = '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt' end it "Get to front page" do page = @agent.get($host) page.links.each do |link| puts link.href if link.href !~ /static\/dbdoc\/Hippocampus/ and link.href !~ /glossary.html|sample_r||correlationAnnotation.html/ # Fetch link, program will crash with exception if link is broken linkpage = @agent.get(link.href) puts "Link to #{link.href} is valid, response code #{linkpage.code}" end end end describe LinkChecker do it "Get to trait page" do page = @agent.get($host+'/show_trait?trait_id=1435395_s_at&dataset=HC_M2_0606_P') # p page # Get to trait page for 1435395_s_at # form2 = show_trait_page.forms_with("trait_page")[0] # form2.fields[30].name.must_equal "variance:C57BL/6J" # form2.fields[30].value.must_equal "15.287" # Test every link on the page to check if it's broken or not page.links.each do |link| puts link.href if link.href !~ /static\/dbdoc\/Hippocampus/ and link.href !~ /glossary.html|sample_r||correlationAnnotation.html/ # Fetch link, program will crash with exception if link is broken linkpage = @agent.get(link.href) puts "Link to #{link.href} is valid, response code #{linkpage.code}" end end end end end