{% extends "index_page.html" %} {% block title %}Search Results{% endblock %} {% block css %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}

We searched {{ dataset.fullname }}
to find all records {% if go_term is not none %} with Gene Ontology ID GO:{{ go_term }}. {% else %} {% for word in search_terms %} {% if word.key|lower == "rif" %} with GeneRIF containing {{ word.search_term[0] }}{% if loop.last %}{% else %} and {% endif %} {% elif word.key|lower == "go" %} with Gene Ontology ID {{ word.search_term[0] }}{% if loop.last %}{% else %} and {% endif %} {% elif word.key|lower == "wiki" %} with GeneWiki containing {{ word.search_term[0] }}{% if loop.last %}{% else %} and {% endif %} {% elif word.key|lower == "mean" %} with mean between {{ word.search_term[0] }} and {{ word.search_term[1] }}{% if loop.last %}{% else %} and {% endif %} {% elif word.key|lower == "range" %} with RANGE between {{ word.search_term[0] }} and {{ word.search_term[1] }}{% if loop.last %}{% else %} and {% endif %} {% elif word.key|lower == "lrs" or word.key|lower == "lod" or word.key|lower == "translrs" or word.key|lower == "cislrs" or word.key|lower == "translod" or word.key|lower == "cislod" %} {% if word.search_term|length == 1 %} with {% if word.key|lower == "translrs" %}trans{% elif word.key|lower == "cislrs" %}cis{% endif %}LRS {% if word.separator == ">" %} greater than {% elif word.separator == "<" %} less than {% elif word.separator == ">=" %} greater than or equal to {% elif word.separator == "<=" %} less than or equal to {% endif %} {{ word.search_term[0] }}{% if loop.last %}{% else %} and {% endif %} {% elif word.search_term|length == 2 %} with {{ word.key|upper }} between {{ word.search_term[0] }} and {{ word.search_term[1] }}{% if loop.last %}{% else %} and {% endif %} {% elif word.search_term|length == 3 %} with {{ word.key|upper }} between {{ word.search_term[0] }} and {{ word.search_term[1] }} on chromosome {{ word.search_term[2] }}{% if loop.last %}{% else %} and {% endif %} {% elif word.search_term|length == 4 %} with {{ word.key|upper }} between {{ word.search_term[0] }} and {{ word.search_term[1] }} on chromosome {{ word.search_term[3] }} with an exclusion zone of {{ word.search_term[2] }} Mb {% elif word.search_term|length == 5 %} with {{ word.key|upper }} between {{ word.search_term[0] }} and {{ word.search_term[1] }} on chromosome {{ word.search_term[2] }} between {{ word.search_term[3] }} and {{ word.search_term[4] }} Mb{% if loop.last %}{% else %} and {% endif %} {% endif %} {% elif word.key|lower == "position" or word.key|lower == "mb" %} with target genes on chromosome {% if (word.search_term[0]|lower).split('chr')|length > 1 %}{{ (word.search_term[0]|lower).split('chr')[1] }}{% else %}{{ word.search_term[0] }}{% endif %} between {{ word.search_term[1] }} and {{ word.search_term[2] }} Mb{% if loop.last %}{% else %} and {% endif %} {% else %} {% if word.search_term[0] == "*" %} in the dataset.{% else %}{% if loop.first %}that match: {% endif %}{{ word.search_term[0] }}{% if loop.last %}{% else %} and {% endif %}{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %}
{% if results|count > 0 %} {{ results|count }} record{% if results|count > 1 %}s{% else %}{% endif %} found {% else %} No (0) records found for this search. Modify your search, check target dataset, or use Search All above. {% endif %}

{% if results|count > 0 %} {% if go_term is not none %}

The associated genes include:

{% for word in search_terms %}{{ word.search_term[0] }}{% endfor %}

{% endif %}
{% if too_many_results %}

Your search generated over 50000 results. Please modify your search to generate 50000 or fewer matches.

{% else %}
{% include 'tool_buttons.html' %}

{% if dataset.accession_id %} {% endif %}
{% if dataset.type != 'Geno' %}
Show/Hide Columns:   {% if dataset.type == 'ProbeSet' %} {% elif dataset.type == 'Publish' %} {% endif %}
{% endif %}

{% endif %} {% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %} {% block js %} {% endblock %}