{%extends "base.html"%} {%from "oauth2/profile_nav.html" import profile_nav%} {%block title%}Join or Create Group{%endblock%} {%block css%} {%endblock%} {%block content%}
{{profile_nav("group", user_privileges)}}

Join or Create Group

{{flash_me()}} {%if group_join_request is defined and group_join_request.exists %}

  You have an active request to join a group.

You cannot create a group, or request to join a new group until your currently active request has been either accepted or rejected.


You can

{%if groups | length > 0 %}

For most users, this is the preffered choice. You request access to an existing group, and the group leader will chose whether or not to add you to their group.

You can only be a member of a single group.

Request to be added to group



  There an currently no groups to join.


Creating a new group automatically makes you that group's administrator.

You can only be a member of a single group.

Create a new group
Name of the group.
A description to help identify the purpose/goal of the group