{%extends "base.html"%} {%from "oauth2/profile_nav.html" import profile_nav%} {%from "oauth2/display_error.html" import display_error%} {%block title%}View User{%endblock%} {%block content%}
{{profile_nav("roles", user_privileges)}}

Create Role

Create a new role to act on resource "{{resource.resource_name}}"

{%if resource_role_error is defined%} {{display_error("Resource Role", resource_role_error)}} {%else%} {%if "resource:role:create-role" in (user_privileges|map(attribute="privilege_id")) %}
create resource role {{flash_me()}}
{{resource.resource_name|replace(" ", "_")}}::
The name of the role will have the resource's name appended.
{%for priv in user_privileges%}
{%else%} {{display_error("Privilege", {"error":"PrivilegeError", "error_description": "You do not have sufficient privileges to create a new role."})}} {%endif%} {%endif%}