{% extends "index_page.html" %} {% block title %}Mapping Results{% endblock %} {% block css %} {% endblock %} {% from "base_macro.html" import header %} {% block content %}
{% if temp_trait is defined %} {% endif %} {% if output_files is defined %} {% endif %} {% if reaper_version is defined %} {% endif %} {% if manhattan_plot == True %} {% endif %} {% if categorical_vars is defined %} {% endif %} {% if perm_strata is defined %} {% endif %}

Map Viewer: Whole Genome

Population: {{ dataset.group.species|capitalize }} {{ dataset.group.name }}
Database: {{ dataset.fullname }}
{% if dataset.type == "ProbeSet" %}Trait ID:{% else %}Record ID:{% endif %} {{ this_trait.display_name }}
Trait Hash: {{ vals_hash }}
{% if dataset.type == "ProbeSet" %} Gene Symbol: {{ this_trait.symbol }}
Location: Chr {{ this_trait.chr }} @ {{ this_trait.mb }} Mb
{% endif %} {% if genofile_string != "" %} Genotypes: {{ genofile_string.split(":")[1] }}
{% endif %} Current Date/Time: {{ current_datetime }}

View:  to
Units:  ?
units on the y-axis (0 for default)
Width:  pixels (minimum=900)
{% if manhattan_plot == True and selectedChr == -1 %}
Manhattan Plot Color Scheme: 
{% endif %}
{% if (mapping_method == "reaper" or mapping_method == "rqtl_geno") and nperm > 0 %} Permutation Test ?
{% endif %} {% if mapping_method == "reaper" and nboot > 0 %} Bootstrap Test ?
{% endif %} {% if mapping_method == "reaper" %} Allele Effects ?
{% endif %} SNP Track ? *
Gene Track *
{% if plotScale != "morgan" %} Haplotype Tracks *
{% endif %} Legend
Human Chromosomes ?
* only apply to single chromosome physical mapping
{{ gifmap|safe }} {% if additiveChecked|upper == "ON" %}
A positive additive coefficient (green line) indicates that {{ dataset.group.parlist[1] }} alleles increase trait values. In contrast, a negative additive coefficient (orange line) indicates that {{ dataset.group.parlist[0] }} alleles increase trait values. {% endif %}
{% if mapping_method == "gemma" or mapping_method == "reaper" %}
{% endif %}
{% if nperm > 0 and permChecked == "ON" %}

Total of {{ nperm }} permutations  Download Permutation Results
{% endif %}
{% if selectedChr == -1 %}

Mapping Statistics

{% if geno_db_exists == "True" %}{% endif %}

{% elif selectedChr != -1 and plotScale =="physic" and (dataset.group.species == 'mouse' or dataset.group.species == 'rat') %}

Interval Analyst

{% for header in gene_table_header %} {% endfor %} {% for row in gene_table_body %} {% for n in range(row|length) %} {% if n == 0 %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}
{{ header|safe }}
{{ row[n]|safe }}{{ row[n]|safe }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %} {% block js %} {% if manhattan_plot == True and selectedChr == -1 %} {% endif %} {% if mapping_method == "gemma" or mapping_method == "reaper" %} {% endif %} {% endblock %}