{% for key, value in start_vars.items() %} {% endfor %}
{% if start_vars.tool_used == "Mapping" %}

Computing the Maps

Time Elapsed:
Trait Metadata
species = {{ start_vars.species[0] | upper }}{{ start_vars.species[1:] }}
group = {{ start_vars.group[0] | upper }}{{ start_vars.group[1:] }}
trait identifier = {{ start_vars.trait_name }}
n of sample = {{ start_vars.n_samples }} {% if start_vars.transform != "" %}
transformation = {{ start_vars.transform }} {% endif %}
hash of sample values = {{ start_vars.vals_hash }}

Mapping Metadata
mapping method = {% if start_vars.method == "gemma" %}GEMMA {% if start_vars.use_loco == "True" %}using LOCO {% endif %}{% else %}{{ start_vars.method }}{% endif %} {% if start_vars.maf != "" and start_vars.method != "reaper" %}
minor allele frequency lower limit = {{ start_vars.maf }} {% endif %}
{% if start_vars.covariates != "" and start_vars.method != "reaper" %} {% set covariate_list = start_vars.covariates.split(",") %} cofactors = {% for covariate in covariate_list %}{% set this_covariate = covariate.split(":")[0] %}{{ this_covariate }}{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %} {% else %} cofactors = None {% endif %} {% if start_vars.control_marker != "" and start_vars.do_control == "true" and start_vars.method != "gemma" %}
marker covariate = {{ start_vars.control_marker }} {% endif %}
{% if start_vars.genofile != "" %} {% set genofile_desc = start_vars.genofile.split(":")[1] %} genotype file = {{ genofile_desc }} {% else %} genotype file = {{ start_vars.group[0] | upper }}{{ start_vars.group[1:] }}.geno {% endif %} {% if start_vars.num_perm | int > 0 and start_vars.method != "gemma" %}
n of permutations = {{ start_vars.num_perm }} {% endif %} {% if num_bootstrap in start_vars %} {% if start_vars.num_bootstrap | int > 0 and start_vars.method == "reaper" %}
n of bootstrap = {{ start_vars.num_bootstrap }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% else %}

 {{ start_vars.tool_used }} Computation in progress ...

{% endif %}

{% if start_vars.vals_diff|length != 0 and start_vars.transform == "" %}

{% endif %}