<title>Loading {{ start_vars.tool_used }} Results</title> <link REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" href="{{ url_for('css', filename='bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css') }}" /> <link REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" href="/static/new/css/bootstrap-custom.css" /> <form method="post" action="" name="loading_form" id="loading_form" class="form-horizontal"> {% for key, value in start_vars.items() %} <input type="hidden" name="{{ key }}" value="{{ value }}"> {% endfor %} <div class="container"> <div> <div style="min-height: 80vh; display: flex; align-items: center; text-align: left;"> <div style="margin-bottom: 5px; left: 50%; margin-right: -50%; top: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); position: absolute;"> {% if start_vars.tool_used == "Mapping" %} <h1>Computing the Maps</h1> <br> <b>Time Elapsed:</b> <span class="timer"></span> <br> <b>Trait Metadata</b> <br> species = <b><i>{{ start_vars.species[0] | upper }}{{ start_vars.species[1:] }}</i></b> <br> group = <b><i>{{ start_vars.group[0] | upper }}{{ start_vars.group[1:] }}</i></b> <br> trait identifier = <b><i>{{ start_vars.trait_name }}</i></b> <br> n of sample = <b><i>{{ start_vars.n_samples }}</i></b> {% if start_vars.transform != "" %} <br> transformation = <b><i>{{ start_vars.transform }}</i></b> {% endif %} <br> hash of sample values = <b><i>{{ start_vars.vals_hash }}</i></b> <br><br> <b>Mapping Metadata</b> <br> mapping method = <b><i>{% if start_vars.method == "gemma" %}GEMMA {% if start_vars.use_loco == "True" %}using LOCO {% endif %}{% else %}{{ start_vars.method }}{% endif %}</i></b> {% if start_vars.maf != "" and start_vars.method != "reaper" %} <br> minor allele frequency lower limit = <b><i>{{ start_vars.maf }}</i></b> {% endif %} <br> {% if start_vars.covariates != "" and start_vars.method != "reaper" %} {% set covariate_list = start_vars.covariates.split(",") %} cofactors = <b><i>{% for covariate in covariate_list %}{% set this_covariate = covariate.split(":")[0] %}{{ this_covariate }}{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}</i></b> {% else %} cofactors = <b><i>None</i></b> {% endif %} {% if start_vars.control_marker != "" and start_vars.do_control == "true" and start_vars.method != "gemma" %} <br> marker covariate = <b><i>{{ start_vars.control_marker }}</i></b> {% endif %} <br> {% if start_vars.genofile != "" %} {% set genofile_desc = start_vars.genofile.split(":")[1] %} genotype file = <b><i>{{ genofile_desc }}</i></b> {% else %} genotype file = <b><i>{{ start_vars.group[0] | upper }}{{ start_vars.group[1:] }}.geno</i></b> {% endif %} {% if start_vars.num_perm | int > 0 and start_vars.method != "gemma" %} <br> n of permutations = <b><i>{{ start_vars.num_perm }}</i></b> {% endif %} {% if num_bootstrap in start_vars %} {% if start_vars.num_bootstrap | int > 0 and start_vars.method == "reaper" %} <br> n of bootstrap = <b><i>{{ start_vars.num_bootstrap }}</i></b> {% endif %} {% endif %} {% else %} <h1> {{ start_vars.tool_used }} Computation in progress ...</h1> {% endif %} <br><br> <div style="text-align: center;"> <img align="center" src="/static/gif/waitAnima2.gif"> </div> {% if start_vars.vals_diff|length != 0 and start_vars.transform == "" %} <br><br> <button id="show_full_diff">Show Full Diff</button> <br> <div id="diff_table_container" style="display: none; height:200px; overflow:auto;"> <table class="table table-hover"> <thead> <th>Sample</th> <th>New Value</th> <th>Old Value</th> </thead> <tbody> {% for sample in start_vars.vals_diff %} <tr> <td>{{ sample }}</td> <td>{{ start_vars.vals_diff[sample].new_val }}</td> <td>{{ start_vars.vals_diff[sample].old_val }}</td> </tr> {% endfor %} </tbody> </table> </div> {% endif %} </div> </div> </div> </div> </form> <script src="{{ url_for('js', filename='jquery/jquery.min.js') }}" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="{{ url_for('js', filename='bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js') }}" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $('#show_full_diff').click(function() { if ($('#diff_table_container').is(':visible')){ $('#diff_table_container').hide(); } else { $('#diff_table_container').show(); } }) var start = new Date; setInterval(function() { minutes = Math.floor((new Date - start) / 1000 / 60) seconds = Math.round(((new Date - start) / 1000) % 60) if (seconds < 10 && minutes >= 1){ seconds_text = "0" + seconds.toString() } else { seconds_text = seconds.toString() } if (minutes < 1) { $('.timer').text(seconds_text + " seconds"); } else { $('.timer').text(minutes.toString() + ":" + seconds_text); } }, 100); $("#loading_form").attr("action", "{{ start_vars.form_url }}"); setTimeout(function(){ $("#loading_form").submit()}, 350); </script>