change_buttons = function(check_node = 0) { var button, buttons, item, num_checked, text, _i, _j, _k, _l, _len, _len2, _len3, _len4, _results, _results2; buttons = ["#add", "#remove"]; num_checked = 0 table_api = $('#trait_table').DataTable(); check_cells = table_api.column(0).nodes().to$(); for (let i = 0; i < check_cells.length; i++) { if (check_cells[i].childNodes[check_node].checked){ num_checked += 1 } } if (num_checked === 0) { for (_i = 0, _len = buttons.length; _i < _len; _i++) { button = buttons[_i]; $(button).prop("disabled", true); } } else { for (_j = 0, _len2 = buttons.length; _j < _len2; _j++) { button = buttons[_j]; $(button).prop("disabled", false); } } }; $(function() { let selectAll, deselectAll, invert; selectAll = function() { table_api = $('#trait_table').DataTable(); check_cells = table_api.column(0).nodes().to$(); for (let i = 0; i < check_cells.length; i++) { check_cells[i].childNodes[0].checked = true; } check_rows = table_api.rows().nodes(); for (let i =0; i < check_rows.length; i++) { check_rows[i].classList.add("selected"); } change_buttons(); }; deselectAll = function() { table_api = $('#trait_table').DataTable(); check_cells = table_api.column(0).nodes().to$(); for (let i = 0; i < check_cells.length; i++) { check_cells[i].childNodes[0].checked = false; } check_rows = table_api.rows().nodes(); for (let i =0; i < check_rows.length; i++) { check_rows[i].classList.remove("selected") } change_buttons(); }; invert = function() { table_api = $('#trait_table').DataTable(); check_cells = table_api.column(0).nodes().to$(); for (let i = 0; i < check_cells.length; i++) { if (check_cells[i].childNodes[0].checked){ check_cells[i].childNodes[0].checked = false; } else { check_cells[i].childNodes[0].checked = true; } } check_rows = table_api.rows().nodes(); for (let i =0; i < check_rows.length; i++) { if (check_rows[i].classList.contains("selected")){ check_rows[i].classList.remove("selected") } else { check_rows[i].classList.add("selected") } } change_buttons(); }; $('#searchbox').keyup(function(){ if ($(this).val() != ""){ $('#filter_term').val($(this).val()); } else { $('#filter_term').val("None"); } $('#trait_table').DataTable().search($(this).val()).draw(); }); /** * parseIndexString takes a string consisting of integers, * hyphens, and/or commas to indicate range(s) of indices * to select a rows and returns the corresponding set of indices * For example - "1, 5-10, 15" would return a set of 8 rows * @return {Set} The list of indices as a Set */ parseIndexString = function(idx_string) { index_list = []; _ref = idx_string.split(","); for (_i = 0; _i < _ref.length; _i++) { index_set = _ref[_i]; if (!/^ *([0-9]+$) *| *([0-9]+ *- *[0-9]+$) *|(^$)$/.test(index_set)) { $('#select_samples_invalid').show(); break } else { $('#select_samples_invalid').hide(); } if (index_set.indexOf('-') !== -1) { start_index = parseInt(index_set.split("-")[0]); end_index = parseInt(index_set.split("-")[1]); // If start index is higher than end index (for example is the string "10-5" exists) swap values so it'll be interpreted as "5-10" instead if (start_index > end_index) { [start_index, end_index] = [end_index, start_index] } for (index = start_index; index <= end_index; index++) { index_list.push(index); } } else { index = parseInt(index_set); index_list.push(index); } } return new Set(index_list) } filterByIndex = function() { indexString = $('#select_top').val() indexSet = parseIndexString(indexString) tableApi = $('#trait_table').DataTable(); checkNodes = tableApi.column(0).nodes().to$(); checkNodes.each(function(index) { if (indexSet.has(index + 1)){ $(this)[0].childNodes[0].checked = true } }) checkRows = tableApi.rows().nodes().to$(); checkRows.each(function(index) { if (indexSet.has(index + 1)){ $(this)[0].classList.add("selected"); } }) } $(window).keydown(function(event){ if((event.keyCode == 13)) { event.preventDefault(); return false; } }); $('#select_top').keyup(function(event){ if (event.keyCode === 13) { filterByIndex() } }); $('#select_top').blur(function() { filterByIndex() }); addToCollection = function() { var traits; table_api = $('#trait_table').DataTable(); check_nodes = table_api.column(0).nodes().to$(); traits = Array.from( { if ($(this)[0].childNodes[0].checked){ return $(this)[0].childNodes[0].value } })) var traits_hash = md5(traits.toString()); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/collections/store_trait_list", data: { hash: traits_hash, traits: traits.toString() } }); return $.colorbox({ href: "/collections/add", data: { "traits": traits.toString(), "hash": traits_hash } }); }; submitBnw = function() { trait_data = submitTraits("trait_table", "submit_bnw") } exportTraits = function() { trait_data = submitTraits("trait_table", "export_traits_csv") }; exportCollection = function() { trait_data = submitTraits("trait_table", "export_collection") } fetchTraits = function(table_name){ trait_table = $('#'+table_name); table_dict = {}; headers = []; trait_table.find('th').each(function () { if ($(this).data('export')){ headers.push($(this).data('export')) } }); table_dict['headers'] = headers; selected_rows = []; all_rows = []; // If no rows are checked, export all table_api = $('#' + table_name).DataTable(); check_cells = table_api.column(0).nodes().to$(); for (let i = 0; i < check_cells.length; i++) { this_node = check_cells[i].childNodes[0]; all_rows.push(this_node.value) if (this_node.checked){ selected_rows.push(this_node.value) } } if (selected_rows.length > 0){ table_dict['rows'] = selected_rows; } else { table_dict['rows'] = all_rows; } json_table_dict = JSON.stringify(table_dict); $('input[name=export_data]').val(json_table_dict); } submitTraits = function(table_name, destination) { fetchTraits(table_name); $('#export_form').attr('action', '/' + destination); $('#export_form').submit(); }; getTraitsFromTable = function(){ traits = $("#trait_table input:checked").map(function() { return $(this).val(); }).get(); if (traits.length == 0){ num_traits = $("#trait_table input").length if (num_traits <= 100){ traits = $("#trait_table input").map(function() { return $(this).val(); }).get(); } } return traits } $("#corr_matrix").on("click", function() { traits = getTraitsFromTable() $("#trait_list").val(traits) $("input[name=tool_used]").val("Correlation Matrix") $("input[name=form_url]").val($(this).data("url")) return submit_special("/loading") }); $("#network_graph").on("click", function() { traits = getTraitsFromTable() $("#trait_list").val(traits) $("input[name=tool_used]").val("Network Graph") $("input[name=form_url]").val($(this).data("url")) return submit_special("/loading") }); $("#wgcna_setup").on("click", function() { traits = getTraitsFromTable() $("#trait_list").val(traits) $("input[name=tool_used]").val("WGCNA Setup") $("input[name=form_url]").val($(this).data("url")) return submit_special("/loading") }); $("#ctl_setup").on("click", function() { traits = getTraitsFromTable() $("#trait_list").val(traits) $("input[name=tool_used]").val("CTL Setup") $("input[name=form_url]").val($(this).data("url")) return submit_special("/loading") }); $("#heatmap").on("click", function() { traits = getTraitsFromTable() $("#trait_list").val(traits) $("input[name=tool_used]").val("Heatmap") $("input[name=form_url]").val($(this).data("url")) return submit_special("/loading") }); $("#comp_bar_chart").on("click", function() { traits = getTraitsFromTable() $("#trait_list").val(traits) $("input[name=tool_used]").val("Comparison Bar Chart") $("input[name=form_url]").val($(this).data("url")) return submit_special("/loading") }); $("#send_to_webgestalt, #send_to_bnw, #send_to_geneweaver, #send_to_genecup").on("click", function() { traits = getTraitsFromTable() $("#trait_list").val(traits) url = $(this).data("url") return submit_special(url) }); $("#select_all").click(selectAll); $("#deselect_all").click(deselectAll); $("#invert").click(invert); $("#add").click(addToCollection); $("#submit_bnw").click(submitBnw); $("#export_traits").click(exportTraits); $("#export_collection").click(exportCollection); applyDefault = function() { let default_collection_id = $.cookie('default_collection'); if (default_collection_id) { let the_option = $('[name=existing_collection] option').filter(function() { return ($(this).text().split(":")[0] == default_collection_id); }) the_option.prop('selected', true); } } applyDefault(); });