create_table = function(tableId="trait_table", tableData = [], columnDefs = [], customSettings = {}) { loadDataTable(tableId=tableId, tableData=tableData, customSettings, firstRun=true) var widthChange = 0; // For storing the change in width so overall table width can be adjusted by that amount function loadDataTable(tableId, tableData, customSettings, firstRun=false){ if (!firstRun){ columnDefs = setUserColumnsDefWidths(tableId, columnDefs); } tableSettings = { "drawCallback": function( settings ) { $('#' + tableId + ' tr').off().on("click", function(event) { if ( !== 'checkbox' && !== 'a') { var obj =$(this).find('input'); obj.prop('checked', !':checked')); } if ($(this).hasClass("selected") && !== 'a'){ $(this).removeClass("selected") } else if ( !== 'a') { $(this).addClass("selected") } change_buttons() }); }, "columns": columnDefs, "sDom": "iti", "destroy": true, "autoWidth": false, "bSortClasses": false, "scrollY": "100vh", "scrollX": "100%", "scrollCollapse": true, "scroller": true, "iDisplayLength": -1, "initComplete": function (settings) { // Add JQueryUI resizable functionality to each th in the ScrollHead table $('#' + tableId + '_wrapper .dataTables_scrollHead thead th').resizable({ handles: "e", alsoResize: '#' + tableId + '_wrapper .dataTables_scrollHead table', //Not essential but makes the resizing smoother resize: function( event, ui ) { widthChange = ui.size.width - ui.originalSize.width; }, stop: function () { saveColumnSettings(tableId, theTable); loadDataTable(tableId, tableData, customSettings, firstRun=false); } }); } } if (tableData.length > 0){ tableSettings["data"] = tableData } // Replace default settings with custom settings or add custom settings if not already set in default settings $.each(customSettings, function(key, value) { tableSettings[key] = value }); if (!firstRun){ $('#' + tableId + '_container').css("width", String($('#' + tableId).width() + widthChange + 17) + "px"); // Change the container width by the change in width of the adjusted column, so the overall table size adjusts properly let checkedRows = getCheckedRows(tableId); theTable = $('#' + tableId).DataTable(tableSettings); if (checkedRows.length > 0){ recheckRows(theTable, checkedRows); } } else { theTable = $('#' + tableId).DataTable(tableSettings); theTable.draw(); $('#' + tableId + '_container').css("width", String($('#' + tableId).width() + 17) + "px"); theTable.columns.adjust().draw(); } } theTable.on( 'order.dt search.dt draw.dt', function () { theTable.column(1, {search:'applied', order:'applied'}).nodes().each( function (cell, i) { cell.innerHTML = i+1; } ); } ).draw(); window.addEventListener('resize', function(){ theTable.columns.adjust(); }); $('#' + tableId + '_searchbox').on( 'keyup', function () {$(this).val()).draw(); } ); $('.toggle-vis').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); function toggleColumn(column) { // Toggle column visibility column.visible( ! column.visible() ); if (column.visible()){ $(this).removeClass("active"); } else { $(this).addClass("active"); } } // Get the column API object var targetCols = $(this).attr('data-column').split(",") for (let i = 0; i < targetCols.length; i++){ var column = theTable.column( targetCols[i] ); toggleColumn(column); } } ); $('#redraw').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); trait_table.columns().visible( true ); $('').removeClass('active'); }); }