import json import math import requests from functools import reduce from typing import Union, Tuple from urllib.parse import urljoin from flask import ( flash, request, url_for, redirect, current_app, render_template) from gn2.wqflask import app from import get_setting, GN_SERVER_URL from gn2.wqflask.database import database_connection from gn3.db.partial_correlations import traits_info def publish_target_databases(conn, groups, threshold): query = ( "SELECT PublishFreeze.FullName,PublishFreeze.Name " "FROM PublishFreeze, InbredSet " "WHERE PublishFreeze.InbredSetId = InbredSet.Id " f"AND InbredSet.Name IN ({', '.join(['%s'] * len(groups))}) " "AND PublishFreeze.public > %s") with conn.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(query, tuple(groups) + (threshold,)) res = cursor.fetchall() if res: return tuple( dict(zip(("description", "value"), row)) for row in res) return tuple() def geno_target_databases(conn, groups, threshold): query = ( "SELECT GenoFreeze.FullName,GenoFreeze.Name " "FROM GenoFreeze, InbredSet " "WHERE GenoFreeze.InbredSetId = InbredSet.Id " f"AND InbredSet.Name IN ({', '.join(['%s'] * len(groups))}) " "AND GenoFreeze.public > %s") with conn.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(query, tuple(groups) + (threshold,)) res = cursor.fetchall() if res: return tuple( dict(zip(("description", "value"), row)) for row in res) return tuple() def probeset_target_databases(conn, groups, threshold): query1 = "SELECT Id, Name FROM Tissue order by Name" with conn.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(query1) tissue_res = cursor.fetchall() if tissue_res: tissue_ids = tuple(row[0] for row in tissue_res) groups_clauses = ["InbredSet.Name like %s"] * len(groups) query2 = ( "SELECT ProbeFreeze.TissueId, ProbeSetFreeze.FullName, " "ProbeSetFreeze.Name " "FROM ProbeSetFreeze, ProbeFreeze, InbredSet " "WHERE ProbeSetFreeze.ProbeFreezeId = ProbeFreeze.Id " "AND ProbeFreeze.TissueId IN " f"({', '.join(['%s'] * len(tissue_ids))}) " "AND ProbeSetFreeze.public > %s " "AND ProbeFreeze.InbredSetId = InbredSet.Id " f"AND ({' OR '.join(groups_clauses)}) " "ORDER BY ProbeSetFreeze.CreateTime desc, ProbeSetFreeze.AvgId") cursor.execute(query2, tissue_ids + (threshold,) + tuple(groups)) db_res = cursor.fetchall() if db_res: databases = tuple( dict(zip(("tissue_id", "description", "value"), row)) for row in db_res) return tuple( {tissue_name: tuple( { "value": item["value"], "description": item["description"] } for item in databases if item["tissue_id"] == tissue_id)} for tissue_id, tissue_name in tissue_res) return tuple() def target_databases(conn, traits, threshold): """ Retrieves the names of possible target databases from the database. """ trait_info = traits_info( conn, threshold, tuple(f"{trait['dataset']}::{trait['trait_name']}" for trait in traits)) groups = tuple(set(row["db"]["group"] for row in trait_info)) return ( publish_target_databases(conn, groups, threshold) + geno_target_databases(conn, groups, threshold) + probeset_target_databases(conn, groups, threshold)) def primary_error(args): if len(args["primary_trait"]) == 0 or len(args["primary_trait"]) > 1: return { **args, "errors": (args.get("errors", tuple()) + ("You must provide one, and only one primary trait",))} return args def controls_error(args): if len(args["control_traits"]) == 0 or len(args["control_traits"]) > 3: return { **args, "errors": ( args.get("errors", tuple()) + (("You must provide at least one control trait, and a maximum " "of three control traits"),))} return args def target_traits_error(args, with_target_traits): target_traits_present = ( (args.get("target_traits") is not None) and (len(args["target_traits"]) > 0)) if with_target_traits and not target_traits_present: return { **args, "errors": ( args.get("errors", tuple()) + (("You must provide at least one target trait"),))} return args def target_db_error(args, with_target_db: bool): if with_target_db and not args["target_db"]: return { **args, "errors": ( args.get("errors", tuple()) + ("The target database must be provided",))} return args def method_error(args): methods = ( "pearson's r", "spearman's rho", "genetic correlation, pearson's r", "genetic correlation, spearman's rho", "sgo literature correlation", "tissue correlation, pearson's r", "tissue correlation, spearman's rho") if not args["method"] or args["method"].lower() not in methods: return { **args, "errors": ( args.get("errors", tuple()) + ("Invalid correlation method provided",))} return args def criteria_error(args): try: int(args.get("criteria", "invalid")) return args except ValueError: return { **args, "errors": ( args.get("errors", tuple()) + ("Invalid return number provided",))} def errors(args, with_target_db: bool): return { **criteria_error( method_error( target_traits_error( target_db_error( controls_error(primary_error(args)), with_target_db), not with_target_db))), "with_target_db": with_target_db } def __classify_args(acc, item): if item[1].startswith("primary_"): return { **acc, "primary_trait": (acc.get("primary_trait", tuple()) + (item,))} if item[1].startswith("controls_"): return {**acc, "control_traits": (acc.get("control_traits", tuple()) + (item,))} if item[1].startswith("targets_"): return {**acc, "target_traits": (acc.get("target_traits", tuple()) + (item,))} if item[0] == "target_db": return {**acc, "target_db": item[1]} if item[0] == "method": return {**acc, "method": item[1]} if item[0] == "criteria": return {**acc, "criteria": item[1]} return acc def __build_args(raw_form, traits): args = reduce(__classify_args, raw_form.items(), {}) return { **args, "primary_trait": [ item for item in traits if item["trait_name"] in (name[1][8:] for name in args["primary_trait"])], "control_traits": [ item for item in traits if item["trait_name"] in (name[1][9:] for name in args["control_traits"])], "target_traits": [ item for item in traits if item["trait_name"] in (name[1][8:] for name in args.get("target_traits", tuple()))] } def parse_trait(trait_str): return dict(zip( ("trait_name", "dataset", "description", "symbol", "location", "mean", "lrs", "lrs_location"), trait_str.strip().split("|||"))) def response_error_message(response): error_messages = { 404: ("We could not connect to the API server at this time. " "Try again later."), 500: ("The API server experienced a problem. We will be working on a " "fix. Please try again later.") } return error_messages.get( response.status_code, "General API server error!!") def render_error(error_message, command_id = None): return render_template( "partial_correlations/pcorrs_error.html", message = error_message, command_id = command_id) def __format_number(num): if num is None or math.isnan(num): return "" if abs(num) <= 1.04E-4: return f"{num:.2e}" return f"{num:.5f}" def handle_200_response(response): if response.get("queued", False): return redirect( url_for( "poll_partial_correlation_results", command_id=response["results"]), code=303) if response["status"] == "success": return render_template( "partial_correlations/pcorrs_results_with_target_traits.html", primary = response["results"]["results"]["primary_trait"], controls = response["results"]["results"]["control_traits"], pcorrs = sorted( response["results"]["results"]["correlations"], key = lambda item: item["partial_corr_p_value"]), method = response["results"]["results"]["method"], enumerate = enumerate, format_number = __format_number) return render_error(response["results"]) def handle_response(response): if response.status_code != 200: return render_template( "partial_correlations/pcorrs_error.html", message = response_error_message(response)) return handle_200_response(response.json()) @app.route("/partial_correlations", methods=["POST"]) def partial_correlations(): form = request.form traits = tuple( parse_trait(trait) for trait in form.get("trait_list").split(";;;")) submit = form.get("submit") if submit in ("with_target_pearsons", "with_target_spearmans"): method = "pearsons" if "pearsons" in submit else "spearmans" args = { **errors(__build_args(form, traits), with_target_db=False), "method": method } if len(args.get("errors", [])) == 0: post_data = { **args, "primary_trait": args["primary_trait"][0], "with_target_db": args["with_target_db"] } return handle_response( url=urljoin(GN_SERVER_URL, "correlation/partial"), json=post_data)) for error in args["errors"]: flash(error, "alert-danger") if submit == "Run Partial Correlations": args = errors(__build_args(form, traits), with_target_db=True) if len(args.get("errors", [])) == 0: post_data = { **args, "primary_trait": args["primary_trait"][0], "with_target_db": args["with_target_db"] } return handle_response( url=urljoin(GN_SERVER_URL, "correlation/partial"), json=post_data)) for error in args["errors"]: flash(error, "alert-danger") with database_connection(get_setting("SQL_URI")) as conn: target_dbs = target_databases(conn, traits, threshold=0) return render_template( "partial_correlations/pcorrs_select_operations.html", trait_list_str=form.get("trait_list"), traits=traits, target_dbs=target_dbs) def process_pcorrs_command_output(result): if result["status"] == "success": if result["results"]["dataset_type"] == "NOT SET YET": return render_template( "partial_correlations/pcorrs_results_with_target_traits.html", primary = result["results"]["primary_trait"], controls = result["results"]["control_traits"], pcorrs = sorted( result["results"]["correlations"], key = lambda item: item["partial_corr_p_value"]), method = result["results"]["method"], enumerate = enumerate, format_number = __format_number) return render_template( "partial_correlations/pcorrs_results_presentation.html", primary=result["results"]["primary_trait"], controls=result["results"]["control_traits"], correlations=result["results"]["correlations"], dataset_type=result["results"]["dataset_type"], method=result["results"]["method"], enumerate = enumerate, format_number=__format_number) if result["status"] == "error": return render_error( f"({result['error_type']}: {result['message']})") @app.route("/partial_correlations/", methods=["GET"]) def poll_partial_correlation_results(command_id): response = requests.get( url=urljoin(GN_SERVER_URL, f"async_commands/state/{command_id}")) if response.status_code == 200: data = response.json() raw_result = data["result"] result = {"status": "computing"} if raw_result: result = json.loads(raw_result) if result["status"].lower() in ("error", "exception"): return render_error( "We messed up, and the computation failed due to a system " "error.", command_id) if data["status"] == "success": return process_pcorrs_command_output(json.loads(data["result"])) return render_template( "partial_correlations/pcorrs_poll_results.html", command_id = command_id) return render_error( "We messed up, and the computation failed due to a system " "error.", command_id)