import csv import hashlib import io import json import requests import shutil from typing import Dict from typing import List from typing import Optional from typing import TextIO import numpy as np from gn2.base.webqtlConfig import TMPDIR from gn2.base.trait import create_trait from gn2.utility.redis_tools import get_redis_conn from import locate, get_setting, GN3_LOCAL_URL from gn2.wqflask.database import database_connection def run_rqtl(trait_name, vals, samples, dataset, pair_scan, mapping_scale, model, method, num_perm, perm_strata_list, do_control, control_marker, manhattan_plot, cofactors): """Run R/qtl by making a request to the GN3 endpoint and reading in the output file(s)""" pheno_file = write_phenotype_file(trait_name, samples, vals, dataset, cofactors, perm_strata_list) if geno_file = locate(, "genotype") else: geno_file = locate( + ".geno", "genotype") post_data = { "pheno_file": pheno_file, "geno_file": geno_file, "model": model, "method": method, "nperm": num_perm, "scale": mapping_scale } if pair_scan: post_data["pairscan"] = True if cofactors: covarstruct_file = write_covarstruct_file(cofactors) post_data["covarstruct"] = covarstruct_file if do_control == "true" and control_marker: post_data["control"] = control_marker if not manhattan_plot and not pair_scan: post_data["interval"] = True if cofactors: post_data["addcovar"] = True if perm_strata_list: post_data["pstrata"] = True rqtl_output = + "api/rqtl/compute", data=post_data).json() if num_perm > 0: return rqtl_output['perm_results'], rqtl_output['suggestive'], rqtl_output['significant'], rqtl_output['results'] else: return rqtl_output['results'] def get_hash_of_textio(the_file: TextIO) -> str: """Given a StringIO, return the hash of its contents""" hash_of_file = hashlib.md5( hash_of_file = hash_of_file.replace("/", "_") # Replace / with _ to prevent issue with filenames being translated to directories return hash_of_file def write_covarstruct_file(cofactors: str) -> str: """ Given list of cofactors (as comma-delimited string), write a comma-delimited file where the first column consists of cofactor names and the second column indicates whether they're numerical or categorical """ trait_datatype_json = None with database_connection(get_setting("SQL_URI")) as conn, conn.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute("SELECT value FROM TraitMetadata WHERE type='trait_data_type'") trait_datatype_json = json.loads(cursor.fetchone()[0]) covar_struct_file = io.StringIO() writer = csv.writer(covar_struct_file, delimiter="\t", quoting = csv.QUOTE_NONE) for cofactor in cofactors.split(","): datatype = trait_datatype_json[cofactor] if cofactor in trait_datatype_json else "numerical" cofactor_name = cofactor.split(":")[0] writer.writerow([cofactor_name, datatype]) hash_of_file = get_hash_of_textio(covar_struct_file) file_path = TMPDIR + hash_of_file + ".csv" with open(file_path, "w") as fd: shutil.copyfileobj(covar_struct_file, fd) return file_path def write_phenotype_file(trait_name: str, samples: List[str], vals: List, dataset_ob, cofactors: Optional[str] = None, perm_strata_list: Optional[List] = None) -> TextIO: """Given trait name, sample list, value list, dataset ob, and optional string representing cofactors, return the file's full path/name """ cofactor_data = cofactors_to_dict(cofactors, dataset_ob, samples) pheno_file = io.StringIO() writer = csv.writer(pheno_file, delimiter="\t", quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE) header_row = ["Samples", trait_name] header_row += [cofactor for cofactor in cofactor_data] if perm_strata_list: header_row.append("Strata") writer.writerow(header_row) for i, sample in enumerate(samples): this_row = [sample] if vals[i] != "x": this_row.append(str(round(float(vals[i]), 3))) else: this_row.append("NA") for cofactor in cofactor_data: this_row.append(cofactor_data[cofactor][i]) if perm_strata_list: this_row.append(perm_strata_list[i]) writer.writerow(this_row) hash_of_file = get_hash_of_textio(pheno_file) file_path = TMPDIR + hash_of_file + ".csv" with open(file_path, "w") as fd: shutil.copyfileobj(pheno_file, fd) return file_path def cofactors_to_dict(cofactors: str, dataset_ob, samples) -> Dict: """Given a string of cofactors, the trait being mapped's dataset ob, and list of samples, return cofactor data as a Dict """ cofactor_dict = {} if cofactors: sample_list = for cofactor in cofactors.split(","): cofactor_name, cofactor_dataset = cofactor.split(":") if cofactor_dataset == cofactor_dict[cofactor_name] = [] trait_ob = create_trait(dataset=dataset_ob, name=cofactor_name) sample_data = for index, sample in enumerate(samples): if sample in sample_data: sample_value = str(round(float(sample_data[sample].value), 3)) cofactor_dict[cofactor_name].append(sample_value) else: cofactor_dict[cofactor_name].append("NA") return cofactor_dict