from flask import Blueprint, render_template

jupyter_notebooks = Blueprint("jupyter_notebooks", __name__)

@jupyter_notebooks.route("/launcher", methods=("GET",))
def launcher():
    links = (
            "main_url": "",
            "notebook_name": "Quantitative Genetics Tools for Mapping Trait Variation to Mechanisms, Therapeutics, and Interventions - Webinar Series",
            "src_link_url": "",
            "main_url": "",
            "notebook_name": "This shows how to model BXD mouse weight data using an AR(1) process.",
            "src_link_url": "",
            "main_url": "",
            "notebook_name": "Querying the GeneNetwork API declaratively with python.",
            "src_link_url": "",
            "main_url": "",
            "notebook_name": "R notebook showing how to query the GeneNetwork API.",
            "src_link_url": "",

    return render_template("jupyter_notebooks.html", links=links)