import string from gn2.wqflask.database import database_connection from import flat_files, get_setting def load_homology(chr_name, start_mb, end_mb, source_file): homology_list = [] with open(flat_files("homology/") + source_file) as h_file: current_chr = 0 for line in h_file: line_items = line.split() this_dict = { "ref_chr": line_items[2][3:], "ref_strand": line_items[4], "ref_start": float(line_items[5])/1000000, "ref_end": float(line_items[6])/1000000, "query_chr": line_items[7][3:], "query_strand": line_items[9], "query_start": float(line_items[10])/1000000, "query_end": float(line_items[11])/1000000 } if str(this_dict["ref_chr"]) == str(chr_name) and \ this_dict["ref_start"] < end_mb and \ this_dict["ref_end"] > start_mb: homology_list.append(this_dict) return homology_list def loadGenes(chrName, diffCol, startMb, endMb, species='mouse'): assembly_map = { "mouse": "mm10", "rat": "rn7" } def append_assembly(fetch_fields, species): query_fields = [] for field in fetch_fields: if field in ['Chr', 'TxStart', 'TxEnd', 'Strand']: query_fields.append(field + "_" + assembly_map[species]) else: query_fields.append(field) return query_fields fetchFields = ['SpeciesId', 'Id', 'GeneSymbol', 'GeneDescription', 'Chr', 'TxStart', 'TxEnd', 'Strand', 'GeneID', 'NM_ID', 'kgID', 'GenBankID', 'UnigenID', 'ProteinID', 'AlignID', 'exonCount', 'exonStarts', 'exonEnds', 'cdsStart', 'cdsEnd'] # List All Species in the Gene Table speciesDict = {} results = [] with database_connection(get_setting("SQL_URI")) as conn, conn.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute("SELECT Species.Name, GeneList081722.SpeciesId " "FROM Species, GeneList081722 WHERE " "GeneList081722.SpeciesId = Species.Id " "GROUP BY GeneList081722.SpeciesId") results = cursor.fetchall() for item in results: if item[0] == "rat": speciesDict[item[0]] = (item[1], "rn7") else: speciesDict[item[0]] = (item[1], "mm10") # List current Species and other Species speciesId, assembly = speciesDict[species] otherSpecies = [[X, speciesDict[X][0], speciesDict[X][1]] for X in list(speciesDict.keys())] otherSpecies.remove([species, speciesId, assembly]) query_fields = append_assembly(fetchFields, species) cursor.execute(f"SELECT {', '.join(query_fields)} FROM GeneList081722 " "WHERE SpeciesId = %s AND " f"Chr_{assembly}" + " = %s AND " f"((TxStart_{assembly}" + " > %s and " + f"TxStart_{assembly}" + " <= %s) " f"OR (TxEnd_{assembly}" + " > %s and " + f"TxEnd_{assembly}" + " <= %s)) " f"ORDER BY TxStart_{assembly}", (speciesId, chrName, startMb, endMb, startMb, endMb)) results = cursor.fetchall() GeneList = [] if results: for result in results: newdict = {} for j, item in enumerate(fetchFields): newdict[item] = result[j] # count SNPs if possible if diffCol and species == 'mouse': cursor.execute( "SELECT count(*) FROM BXDSnpPosition " "WHERE Chr = %s AND " "Mb >= %s AND Mb < %s " "AND StrainId1 = %s AND StrainId2 = %s", (chrName, f"{newdict['TxStart']:2.6f}", f"{newdict['TxEnd']:2.6f}", diffCol[0], diffCol[1],)) newdict["snpCount"] = cursor.fetchone()[0] newdict["snpDensity"] = ( newdict["snpCount"] / (newdict["TxEnd"] - newdict["TxStart"]) / 1000.0) else: newdict["snpDensity"] = newdict["snpCount"] = 0 try: newdict['GeneLength'] = 1000.0 * \ (newdict['TxEnd'] - newdict['TxStart']) except: pass # load gene from other Species by the same name for item in otherSpecies: othSpec, othSpecId, othSpecAssembly = item newdict2 = {} query_fields = append_assembly(fetchFields, othSpec) cursor.execute( f"SELECT {', '.join(query_fields)} FROM GeneList081722 WHERE " "SpeciesId = %s AND " "geneSymbol= %s LIMIT 1", (othSpecId, newdict["GeneSymbol"])) resultsOther = cursor.fetchone() if resultsOther: for j, item in enumerate(fetchFields): newdict2[item] = resultsOther[j] # count SNPs if possible, could be a separate function if diffCol and othSpec == 'mouse': cursor.execute( "SELECT count(*) FROM BXDSnpPosition " "WHERE Chr = %s AND Mb >= %s AND " "Mb < %s AND StrainId1 = %s " "AND StrainId2 = %s", (chrName, f"{newdict['TxStart']:2.6f}", f"{newdict['TxEnd']:2.6f}", diffCol[0], diffCol[1])) if snp_count := cursor.fetchone(): newdict2["snpCount"] = snp_count[0] newdict2["snpDensity"] = ( newdict2["snpCount"] / (newdict2["TxEnd"] - newdict2["TxStart"]) / 1000.0) else: newdict2["snpDensity"] = newdict2["snpCount"] = 0 try: newdict2['GeneLength'] = ( 1000.0 * (newdict2['TxEnd'] - newdict2['TxStart'])) except: pass newdict['%sGene' % othSpec] = newdict2 GeneList.append(newdict) return GeneList