diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'wqflask')
3 files changed, 846 insertions, 775 deletions
diff --git a/wqflask/wqflask/marker_regression/marker_regression.py b/wqflask/wqflask/marker_regression/marker_regression.py index bb67a3ba..a1b600a4 100755 --- a/wqflask/wqflask/marker_regression/marker_regression.py +++ b/wqflask/wqflask/marker_regression/marker_regression.py @@ -1,775 +1,839 @@ -from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division
-from base.trait import GeneralTrait
-from base import data_set #import create_dataset
-from pprint import pformat as pf
-import string
-import sys
-import datetime
-import os
-import collections
-import uuid
-import rpy2.robjects as robjects
-import numpy as np
-from scipy import linalg
-import cPickle as pickle
-import simplejson as json
-from redis import Redis
-Redis = Redis()
-from flask import Flask, g
-from base.trait import GeneralTrait
-from base import data_set
-from base import species
-from base import webqtlConfig
-from utility import webqtlUtil
-from wqflask.my_pylmm.data import prep_data
-from wqflask.my_pylmm.pyLMM import lmm
-from wqflask.my_pylmm.pyLMM import input
-from utility import helper_functions
-from utility import Plot, Bunch
-from utility import temp_data
-from utility.benchmark import Bench
-class MarkerRegression(object):
- def __init__(self, start_vars, temp_uuid):
- helper_functions.get_species_dataset_trait(self, start_vars)
- #tempdata = temp_data.TempData(temp_uuid)
- self.json_data = {}
- self.json_data['lodnames'] = ['lod.hk']
- self.samples = [] # Want only ones with values
- self.vals = []
- for sample in self.dataset.group.samplelist:
- value = start_vars['value:' + sample]
- self.samples.append(str(sample))
- self.vals.append(value)
- self.mapping_method = start_vars['method']
- if start_vars['manhattan_plot'] == "true":
- self.manhattan_plot = True
- else:
- self.manhattan_plot = False
- self.maf = start_vars['maf'] # Minor allele frequency
- self.suggestive = ""
- self.significant = ""
- #print("self.maf:", self.maf)
- self.dataset.group.get_markers()
- if self.mapping_method == "gemma":
- qtl_results = self.run_gemma()
- elif self.mapping_method == "rqtl_plink":
- qtl_results = self.run_rqtl_plink()
- elif self.mapping_method == "rqtl_geno":
- self.num_perm = start_vars['num_perm']
- self.control = start_vars['control_marker']
- print("doing rqtl_geno")
- qtl_results = self.run_rqtl_geno()
- print("qtl_results:", qtl_results)
- elif self.mapping_method == "plink":
- qtl_results = self.run_plink()
- #print("qtl_results:", pf(qtl_results))
- elif self.mapping_method == "pylmm":
- print("RUNNING PYLMM")
- #self.qtl_results = self.gen_data(tempdata)
- qtl_results = self.gen_data(str(temp_uuid))
- else:
- self.lod_cutoff = 2
- self.filtered_markers = []
- highest_chr = 1 #This is needed in order to convert the highest chr to X/Y
- for marker in qtl_results:
- if marker['chr'] > 0 or marker['chr'] == "X" or marker['chr'] == "X/Y":
- if marker['chr'] > highest_chr or marker['chr'] == "X" or marker['chr'] == "X/Y":
- highest_chr = marker['chr']
- if 'lod_score' in marker:
- self.filtered_markers.append(marker)
- self.json_data['chr'] = []
- self.json_data['pos'] = []
- self.json_data['lod.hk'] = []
- self.json_data['markernames'] = []
- self.json_data['suggestive'] = self.suggestive
- self.json_data['significant'] = self.significant
- #Need to convert the QTL objects that qtl reaper returns into a json serializable dictionary
- self.qtl_results = []
- for qtl in self.filtered_markers:
- print("lod score is:", qtl['lod_score'])
- if qtl['chr'] == highest_chr and highest_chr != "X" and highest_chr != "X/Y":
- print("changing to X")
- self.json_data['chr'].append("X")
- else:
- self.json_data['chr'].append(str(qtl['chr']))
- self.json_data['pos'].append(qtl['Mb'])
- self.json_data['lod.hk'].append(str(qtl['lod_score']))
- self.json_data['markernames'].append(qtl['name'])
- #Get chromosome lengths for drawing the interval map plot
- chromosome_mb_lengths = {}
- self.json_data['chrnames'] = []
- for key in self.species.chromosomes.chromosomes.keys():
- self.json_data['chrnames'].append([self.species.chromosomes.chromosomes[key].name, self.species.chromosomes.chromosomes[key].mb_length])
- chromosome_mb_lengths[key] = self.species.chromosomes.chromosomes[key].mb_length
- print("json_data:", self.json_data)
- self.js_data = dict(
- json_data = self.json_data,
- this_trait = self.this_trait.name,
- data_set = self.dataset.name,
- maf = self.maf,
- manhattan_plot = self.manhattan_plot,
- chromosomes = chromosome_mb_lengths,
- qtl_results = self.filtered_markers,
- )
- def run_gemma(self):
- """Generates p-values for each marker using GEMMA"""
- #filename = webqtlUtil.genRandStr("{}_{}_".format(self.dataset.group.name, self.this_trait.name))
- self.gen_pheno_txt_file()
- os.chdir("/home/zas1024/gene/web/gemma")
- gemma_command = './gemma -bfile %s -k output_%s.cXX.txt -lmm 1 -o %s_output' % (
- self.dataset.group.name,
- self.dataset.group.name,
- self.dataset.group.name)
- print("gemma_command:" + gemma_command)
- os.system(gemma_command)
- included_markers, p_values = self.parse_gemma_output()
- self.dataset.group.get_specified_markers(markers = included_markers)
- #for marker in self.dataset.group.markers.markers:
- # if marker['name'] not in included_markers:
- # print("marker:", marker)
- # self.dataset.group.markers.markers.remove(marker)
- # #del self.dataset.group.markers.markers[marker]
- self.dataset.group.markers.add_pvalues(p_values)
- return self.dataset.group.markers.markers
- def parse_gemma_output(self):
- included_markers = []
- p_values = []
- with open("/home/zas1024/gene/web/gemma/output/{}_output.assoc.txt".format(self.dataset.group.name)) as output_file:
- for line in output_file:
- if line.startswith("chr"):
- continue
- else:
- included_markers.append(line.split("\t")[1])
- p_values.append(float(line.split("\t")[10]))
- #p_values[line.split("\t")[1]] = float(line.split("\t")[10])
- print("p_values: ", p_values)
- return included_markers, p_values
- def gen_pheno_txt_file(self):
- """Generates phenotype file for GEMMA"""
- #with open("/home/zas1024/gene/web/gemma/tmp_pheno/{}.txt".format(filename), "w") as outfile:
- # for sample, i in enumerate(self.samples):
- # print("sample:" + str(i))
- # print("self.vals[i]:" + str(self.vals[sample]))
- # outfile.write(str(i) + "\t" + str(self.vals[sample]) + "\n")
- with open("/home/zas1024/gene/web/gemma/{}.fam".format(self.dataset.group.name), "w") as outfile:
- for i, sample in enumerate(self.samples):
- outfile.write(str(sample) + " " + str(sample) + " 0 0 0 " + str(self.vals[i]) + "\n")
- #def gen_plink_for_gemma(self, filename):
- #
- # make_bed = "/home/zas1024/plink/plink --file /home/zas1024/plink/%s --noweb --no-fid --no-parents --no-sex --no-pheno --pheno %s%s.txt --out %s%s --make-bed" % (webqtlConfig.HTMLPATH,
- # webqtlConfig.HTMLPATH,
- # self.dataset.group.name,
- # webqtlConfig.TMPDIR,
- # filename,
- # webqtlConfig.TMPDIR,
- # filename)
- #
- #
- def run_rqtl_plink(self):
- os.chdir("/home/zas1024/plink")
- output_filename = webqtlUtil.genRandStr("%s_%s_"%(self.dataset.group.name, self.this_trait.name))
- self.gen_pheno_txt_file_plink(pheno_filename = output_filename)
- rqtl_command = './plink --noweb --ped %s.ped --no-fid --no-parents --no-sex --no-pheno --map %s.map --pheno %s/%s.txt --pheno-name %s --maf %s --missing-phenotype -9999 --out %s%s --assoc ' % (self.dataset.group.name, self.dataset.group.name, webqtlConfig.TMPDIR, plink_output_filename, self.this_trait.name, self.maf, webqtlConfig.TMPDIR, plink_output_filename)
- os.system(rqtl_command)
- count, p_values = self.parse_rqtl_output(plink_output_filename)
- def run_rqtl_geno(self):
- robjects.packages.importr("qtl")
- robjects.r('the_cross <- read.cross(format="csvr", dir="/home/zas1024/PLINK2RQTL/test", file="BXD.csvr")')
- if self.manhattan_plot:
- robjects.r('the_cross <- calc.genoprob(the_cross)')
- else:
- robjects.r('the_cross <- calc.genoprob(the_cross, step=1, stepwidth="max")')
- pheno_as_string = "c("
- #for i, val in enumerate(self.vals):
- # if val == "x":
- # new_val == "NULL"
- # else:
- # new_val = val
- # if i < (len(self.vals) - 1):
- # pheno_as_string += str(new_val) + ","
- # else: pheno_as_string += str(new_val)
- null_pos = []
- for i, val in enumerate(self.vals):
- if val == "x":
- null_pos.append(i)
- if i < (len(self.vals) - 1):
- pheno_as_string += "NA,"
- else:
- pheno_as_string += "NA"
- else:
- if i < (len(self.vals) - 1):
- pheno_as_string += str(val) + ","
- else:
- pheno_as_string += str(val)
- pheno_as_string += ")"
- robjects.r('the_cross$pheno <- cbind(pull.pheno(the_cross), the_pheno = '+ pheno_as_string +')')
- print("self.control:", self.control)
- if self.control != "":
- control_markers = self.control.split(",")
- control_string = ""
- for i, control in enumerate(control_markers):
- control_trait = GeneralTrait(name=str(control), dataset_name=str(self.dataset.group.name + "Geno"))
- control_vals = []
- for sample in self.dataset.group.samplelist:
- if sample in control_trait.data:
- control_vals.append(control_trait.data[sample].value)
- else:
- control_vals.append("x")
- print("control_vals:", control_vals)
- control_as_string = "c("
- for j, val2 in enumerate(control_vals):
- if val2 == "x":
- if j < (len(control_vals) - 1):
- control_as_string += "NA,"
- else:
- control_as_string += "NA"
- else:
- if j < (len(control_vals) - 1):
- control_as_string += str(val2) + ","
- else:
- control_as_string += str(val2)
- #if i < (len(control_vals) - 1):
- # control_as_string += str(new_val2) + ","
- #else:
- # control_as_string += str(new_val2)
- control_as_string += ")"
- print("control_as_string:", control_as_string)
- if i < (len(control_markers)-1):
- control_string += control_as_string + ","
- else:
- control_string += control_as_string
- robjects.r('covariates <- cbind( '+ control_string +')')
- r_string = 'scanone(the_cross, pheno.col="the_pheno", n.cluster=16, n.perm='+self.num_perm+', addcovar=covariates, intcovar=covariates[,'+ str(len(control_markers)) +'])'
- print("r_string:", r_string)
- if int(self.num_perm) > 0:
- thresholds = robjects.r(r_string)
- self.suggestive, self.significant = self.process_rqtl_perm_results(results)
- r_string = 'scanone(the_cross, pheno.col="the_pheno", n.cluster=16, addcovar=covariates, intcovar=covariates[,'+ str(len(control_markers)) +'])'
- #r_string = 'scanone(the_cross, pheno.col='+pheno_as_string+', addcovar='+control_as_string+')'
- else:
- #r_string = 'scanone(the_cross, pheno.col='+pheno_as_string+', n.perm='+self.num_perm+')'
- r_string = 'scanone(the_cross, pheno.col="the_pheno", n.cluster=16, n.perm='+self.num_perm+')'
- if self.num_perm.isdigit() and int(self.num_perm) > 0:
- results = robjects.r(r_string)
- self.suggestive, self.significant = self.process_rqtl_perm_results(results)
- r_string = 'scanone(the_cross, pheno.col="the_pheno", n.cluster=16)'
- print("r_string:", r_string)
- result_data_frame = robjects.r(r_string)
- #print("results:", result_data_frame)
- qtl_results = self.process_rqtl_results(result_data_frame)
- return qtl_results
- def process_rqtl_perm_results(self, results):
- perm_vals = []
- for line in str(results).split("\n")[1:(int(self.num_perm)+1)]:
- print("line:", line.split())
- perm_vals.append(float(line.split()[1]))
- self.suggestive = np.percentile(np.array(perm_vals), 67)
- self.significant = np.percentile(np.array(perm_vals), 95)
- return self.suggestive, self.significant
- def process_rqtl_results(self, result):
- qtl_results = []
- output = [tuple([result[j][i] for j in range(result.ncol)]) for i in range(result.nrow)]
- print("output", output)
- for i, line in enumerate(result.iter_row()):
- marker = {}
- marker['name'] = result.rownames[i]
- marker['chr'] = output[i][0]
- marker['Mb'] = output[i][1]
- marker['lod_score'] = output[i][2]
- qtl_results.append(marker)
- return qtl_results
- def run_plink(self):
- os.chdir("/home/zas1024/plink")
- plink_output_filename = webqtlUtil.genRandStr("%s_%s_"%(self.dataset.group.name, self.this_trait.name))
- self.gen_pheno_txt_file_plink(pheno_filename = plink_output_filename)
- plink_command = './plink --noweb --ped %s.ped --no-fid --no-parents --no-sex --no-pheno --map %s.map --pheno %s/%s.txt --pheno-name %s --maf %s --missing-phenotype -9999 --out %s%s --assoc ' % (self.dataset.group.name, self.dataset.group.name, webqtlConfig.TMPDIR, plink_output_filename, self.this_trait.name, self.maf, webqtlConfig.TMPDIR, plink_output_filename)
- os.system(plink_command)
- count, p_values = self.parse_plink_output(plink_output_filename)
- #gemma_command = './gemma -bfile %s -k output_%s.cXX.txt -lmm 1 -o %s_output' % (
- # self.dataset.group.name,
- # self.dataset.group.name,
- # self.dataset.group.name)
- #print("gemma_command:" + gemma_command)
- #
- #os.system(gemma_command)
- #
- #included_markers, p_values = self.parse_gemma_output()
- #
- #self.dataset.group.get_specified_markers(markers = included_markers)
- #for marker in self.dataset.group.markers.markers:
- # if marker['name'] not in included_markers:
- # print("marker:", marker)
- # self.dataset.group.markers.markers.remove(marker)
- # #del self.dataset.group.markers.markers[marker]
- print("p_values:", pf(p_values))
- self.dataset.group.markers.add_pvalues(p_values)
- return self.dataset.group.markers.markers
- def gen_pheno_txt_file_plink(self, pheno_filename = ''):
- ped_sample_list = self.get_samples_from_ped_file()
- output_file = open("%s%s.txt" % (webqtlConfig.TMPDIR, pheno_filename), "wb")
- header = 'FID\tIID\t%s\n' % self.this_trait.name
- output_file.write(header)
- new_value_list = []
- #if valueDict does not include some strain, value will be set to -9999 as missing value
- for i, sample in enumerate(ped_sample_list):
- try:
- value = self.vals[i]
- value = str(value).replace('value=','')
- value = value.strip()
- except:
- value = -9999
- new_value_list.append(value)
- new_line = ''
- for i, sample in enumerate(ped_sample_list):
- j = i+1
- value = new_value_list[i]
- new_line += '%s\t%s\t%s\n'%(sample, sample, value)
- if j%1000 == 0:
- output_file.write(newLine)
- new_line = ''
- if new_line:
- output_file.write(new_line)
- output_file.close()
- def gen_pheno_txt_file_rqtl(self, pheno_filename = ''):
- ped_sample_list = self.get_samples_from_ped_file()
- output_file = open("%s%s.txt" % (webqtlConfig.TMPDIR, pheno_filename), "wb")
- header = 'FID\tIID\t%s\n' % self.this_trait.name
- output_file.write(header)
- new_value_list = []
- #if valueDict does not include some strain, value will be set to -9999 as missing value
- for i, sample in enumerate(ped_sample_list):
- try:
- value = self.vals[i]
- value = str(value).replace('value=','')
- value = value.strip()
- except:
- value = -9999
- new_value_list.append(value)
- new_line = ''
- for i, sample in enumerate(ped_sample_list):
- j = i+1
- value = new_value_list[i]
- new_line += '%s\t%s\t%s\n'%(sample, sample, value)
- if j%1000 == 0:
- output_file.write(newLine)
- new_line = ''
- if new_line:
- output_file.write(new_line)
- output_file.close()
- # get strain name from ped file in order
- def get_samples_from_ped_file(self):
- os.chdir("/home/zas1024/plink")
- ped_file= open("{}.ped".format(self.dataset.group.name),"r")
- line = ped_file.readline()
- sample_list=[]
- while line:
- lineList = string.split(string.strip(line), '\t')
- lineList = map(string.strip, lineList)
- sample_name = lineList[0]
- sample_list.append(sample_name)
- line = ped_file.readline()
- return sample_list
- def parse_plink_output(self, output_filename):
- plink_results={}
- threshold_p_value = 0.01
- result_fp = open("%s%s.qassoc"% (webqtlConfig.TMPDIR, output_filename), "rb")
- header_line = result_fp.readline()# read header line
- line = result_fp.readline()
- value_list = [] # initialize value list, this list will include snp, bp and pvalue info
- p_value_dict = {}
- count = 0
- while line:
- #convert line from str to list
- line_list = self.build_line_list(line=line)
- # only keep the records whose chromosome name is in db
- if self.species.chromosomes.chromosomes.has_key(int(line_list[0])) and line_list[-1] and line_list[-1].strip()!='NA':
- chr_name = self.species.chromosomes.chromosomes[int(line_list[0])]
- snp = line_list[1]
- BP = line_list[2]
- p_value = float(line_list[-1])
- if threshold_p_value >= 0 and threshold_p_value <= 1:
- if p_value < threshold_p_value:
- p_value_dict[snp] = p_value
- if plink_results.has_key(chr_name):
- value_list = plink_results[chr_name]
- # pvalue range is [0,1]
- if threshold_p_value >=0 and threshold_p_value <= 1:
- if p_value < threshold_p_value:
- value_list.append((snp, BP, p_value))
- count += 1
- plink_results[chr_name] = value_list
- value_list = []
- else:
- if threshold_p_value >= 0 and threshold_p_value <= 1:
- if p_value < threshold_p_value:
- value_list.append((snp, BP, p_value))
- count += 1
- if value_list:
- plink_results[chr_name] = value_list
- value_list=[]
- line = result_fp.readline()
- else:
- line = result_fp.readline()
- #if p_value_list:
- # min_p_value = min(p_value_list)
- #else:
- # min_p_value = 0
- return count, p_value_dict
- ######################################################
- # input: line: str,one line read from file
- # function: convert line from str to list;
- # output: lineList list
- #######################################################
- def build_line_list(self, line=None):
- line_list = string.split(string.strip(line),' ')# irregular number of whitespaces between columns
- line_list = [item for item in line_list if item <>'']
- line_list = map(string.strip, line_list)
- return line_list
- #def gen_data(self, tempdata):
- def gen_data(self, temp_uuid):
- """Generates p-values for each marker"""
- pheno_vector = np.array([val == "x" and np.nan or float(val) for val in self.vals])
- #lmm_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
- key = "pylmm:input:" + temp_uuid
- print("key is:", pf(key))
- #with Bench("Loading cache"):
- # result = Redis.get(key)
- if self.dataset.group.species == "human":
- p_values, t_stats = self.gen_human_results(pheno_vector, key, temp_uuid)
- #p_values = self.trim_results(p_values)
- else:
- print("NOW CWD IS:", os.getcwd())
- genotype_data = [marker['genotypes'] for marker in self.dataset.group.markers.markers]
- no_val_samples = self.identify_empty_samples()
- trimmed_genotype_data = self.trim_genotypes(genotype_data, no_val_samples)
- genotype_matrix = np.array(trimmed_genotype_data).T
- #print("pheno_vector: ", pf(pheno_vector))
- #print("genotype_matrix: ", pf(genotype_matrix))
- #print("genotype_matrix.shape: ", pf(genotype_matrix.shape))
- #params = {"pheno_vector": pheno_vector,
- # "genotype_matrix": genotype_matrix,
- # "restricted_max_likelihood": True,
- # "refit": False,
- # "temp_data": tempdata}
- print("genotype_matrix:", str(genotype_matrix.tolist()))
- print("pheno_vector:", str(pheno_vector.tolist()))
- params = dict(pheno_vector = pheno_vector.tolist(),
- genotype_matrix = genotype_matrix.tolist(),
- restricted_max_likelihood = True,
- refit = False,
- temp_uuid = temp_uuid,
- # meta data
- timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat(),
- )
- json_params = json.dumps(params)
- #print("json_params:", json_params)
- Redis.set(key, json_params)
- Redis.expire(key, 60*60)
- print("before printing command")
- command = 'python /home/zas1024/gene/wqflask/wqflask/my_pylmm/pyLMM/lmm.py --key {} --species {}'.format(key,
- "other")
- print("command is:", command)
- print("after printing command")
- os.system(command)
- #t_stats, p_values = lmm.run(key)
- #lmm.run(key)
- json_results = Redis.blpop("pylmm:results:" + temp_uuid, 45*60)
- results = json.loads(json_results[1])
- p_values = [float(result) for result in results['p_values']]
- print("p_values:", p_values)
- #p_values = self.trim_results(p_values)
- t_stats = results['t_stats']
- #t_stats, p_values = lmm.run(
- # pheno_vector,
- # genotype_matrix,
- # restricted_max_likelihood=True,
- # refit=False,
- # temp_data=tempdata
- #)
- #print("p_values:", p_values)
- self.dataset.group.markers.add_pvalues(p_values)
- #self.get_lod_score_cutoff()
- return self.dataset.group.markers.markers
- def trim_results(self, p_values):
- print("len_p_values:", len(p_values))
- if len(p_values) > 500:
- p_values.sort(reverse=True)
- trimmed_values = p_values[:500]
- return trimmed_values
- #def gen_human_results(self, pheno_vector, tempdata):
- def gen_human_results(self, pheno_vector, key, temp_uuid):
- file_base = os.path.join(webqtlConfig.PYLMM_PATH, self.dataset.group.name)
- plink_input = input.plink(file_base, type='b')
- input_file_name = os.path.join(webqtlConfig.SNP_PATH, self.dataset.group.name + ".snps.gz")
- pheno_vector = pheno_vector.reshape((len(pheno_vector), 1))
- covariate_matrix = np.ones((pheno_vector.shape[0],1))
- kinship_matrix = np.fromfile(open(file_base + '.kin','r'),sep=" ")
- kinship_matrix.resize((len(plink_input.indivs),len(plink_input.indivs)))
- print("Before creating params")
- params = dict(pheno_vector = pheno_vector.tolist(),
- covariate_matrix = covariate_matrix.tolist(),
- input_file_name = input_file_name,
- kinship_matrix = kinship_matrix.tolist(),
- refit = False,
- temp_uuid = temp_uuid,
- # meta data
- timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat(),
- )
- print("After creating params")
- json_params = json.dumps(params)
- Redis.set(key, json_params)
- Redis.expire(key, 60*60)
- print("Before creating the command")
- command = 'python /home/zas1024/gene/wqflask/wqflask/my_pylmm/pyLMM/lmm.py --key {} --species {}'.format(key,
- "human")
- print("command is:", command)
- os.system(command)
- json_results = Redis.blpop("pylmm:results:" + temp_uuid, 45*60)
- results = json.loads(json_results[1])
- t_stats = results['t_stats']
- p_values = results['p_values']
- #p_values, t_stats = lmm.run_human(key)
- #p_values, t_stats = lmm.run_human(
- # pheno_vector,
- # covariate_matrix,
- # input_file_name,
- # kinship_matrix,
- # loading_progress=tempdata
- # )
- return p_values, t_stats
- def get_lod_score_cutoff(self):
- high_qtl_count = 0
- for marker in self.dataset.group.markers.markers:
- if marker['lod_score'] > 1:
- high_qtl_count += 1
- if high_qtl_count > 1000:
- return 1
- else:
- return 0
- def identify_empty_samples(self):
- no_val_samples = []
- for sample_count, val in enumerate(self.vals):
- if val == "x":
- no_val_samples.append(sample_count)
- return no_val_samples
- def trim_genotypes(self, genotype_data, no_value_samples):
- trimmed_genotype_data = []
- for marker in genotype_data:
- new_genotypes = []
- for item_count, genotype in enumerate(marker):
- if item_count in no_value_samples:
- continue
- try:
- genotype = float(genotype)
- except ValueError:
- genotype = np.nan
- pass
- new_genotypes.append(genotype)
- trimmed_genotype_data.append(new_genotypes)
- return trimmed_genotype_data
-def create_snp_iterator_file(group):
- plink_file_base = os.path.join(webqtlConfig.PYLMM_PATH, group)
- plink_input = input.plink(plink_file_base, type='b')
- data = dict(plink_input = list(plink_input),
- numSNPs = plink_input.numSNPs)
- #input_dict = {}
- #
- #input_dict['plink_input'] = list(plink_input)
- #input_dict['numSNPs'] = plink_input.numSNPs
- #
- snp_file_base = os.path.join(webqtlConfig.SNP_PATH, group + ".snps.gz")
- with gzip.open(snp_file_base, "wb") as fh:
- pickle.dump(data, fh, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
-#if __name__ == '__main__':
-# import cPickle as pickle
-# import gzip
-# create_snp_iterator_file("HLC")
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- import cPickle as pickle
- import gzip
- create_snp_iterator_file("HLC")
+from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division + +from base.trait import GeneralTrait +from base import data_set #import create_dataset + +from pprint import pformat as pf + +import string +import math +import sys +import datetime +import os +import collections +import uuid + +import rpy2.robjects as robjects +import numpy as np +from scipy import linalg + +import cPickle as pickle + +import simplejson as json + +from redis import Redis +Redis = Redis() + +from flask import Flask, g + +from base.trait import GeneralTrait +from base import data_set +from base import species +from base import webqtlConfig +from utility import webqtlUtil +from wqflask.my_pylmm.data import prep_data +from wqflask.my_pylmm.pyLMM import lmm +from wqflask.my_pylmm.pyLMM import input +from utility import helper_functions +from utility import Plot, Bunch +from utility import temp_data + +from utility.benchmark import Bench + + +class MarkerRegression(object): + + def __init__(self, start_vars, temp_uuid): + + helper_functions.get_species_dataset_trait(self, start_vars) + + #tempdata = temp_data.TempData(temp_uuid) + + self.json_data = {} + self.json_data['lodnames'] = ['lod.hk'] + + self.samples = [] # Want only ones with values + self.vals = [] + + for sample in self.dataset.group.samplelist: + value = start_vars['value:' + sample] + self.samples.append(str(sample)) + self.vals.append(value) + + self.mapping_method = start_vars['method'] + if start_vars['manhattan_plot'] == "true": + self.manhattan_plot = True + else: + self.manhattan_plot = False + self.maf = start_vars['maf'] # Minor allele frequency + self.suggestive = "" + self.significant = "" + #print("self.maf:", self.maf) + + self.dataset.group.get_markers() + if self.mapping_method == "gemma": + qtl_results = self.run_gemma() + elif self.mapping_method == "rqtl_plink": + qtl_results = self.run_rqtl_plink() + elif self.mapping_method == "rqtl_geno": + self.num_perm = start_vars['num_perm'] + self.control = start_vars['control_marker'] + + print("doing rqtl_geno") + qtl_results = self.run_rqtl_geno() + print("qtl_results:", qtl_results) + elif self.mapping_method == "plink": + qtl_results = self.run_plink() + #print("qtl_results:", pf(qtl_results)) + elif self.mapping_method == "pylmm": + print("RUNNING PYLMM") + self.num_perm = start_vars['num_perm'] + if int(self.num_perm) > 0: + self.run_permutations(str(temp_uuid)) + qtl_results = self.gen_data(str(temp_uuid)) + else: + print("RUNNING NOTHING") + + self.lod_cutoff = 2 + self.filtered_markers = [] + highest_chr = 1 #This is needed in order to convert the highest chr to X/Y + for marker in qtl_results: + if marker['chr'] > 0 or marker['chr'] == "X" or marker['chr'] == "X/Y": + if marker['chr'] > highest_chr or marker['chr'] == "X" or marker['chr'] == "X/Y": + highest_chr = marker['chr'] + if 'lod_score' in marker: + self.filtered_markers.append(marker) + + self.json_data['chr'] = [] + self.json_data['pos'] = [] + self.json_data['lod.hk'] = [] + self.json_data['markernames'] = [] + + self.json_data['suggestive'] = self.suggestive + self.json_data['significant'] = self.significant + + #Need to convert the QTL objects that qtl reaper returns into a json serializable dictionary + self.qtl_results = [] + for qtl in self.filtered_markers: + print("lod score is:", qtl['lod_score']) + if qtl['chr'] == highest_chr and highest_chr != "X" and highest_chr != "X/Y": + print("changing to X") + self.json_data['chr'].append("X") + else: + self.json_data['chr'].append(str(qtl['chr'])) + self.json_data['pos'].append(qtl['Mb']) + self.json_data['lod.hk'].append(str(qtl['lod_score'])) + self.json_data['markernames'].append(qtl['name']) + + #Get chromosome lengths for drawing the interval map plot + chromosome_mb_lengths = {} + self.json_data['chrnames'] = [] + for key in self.species.chromosomes.chromosomes.keys(): + self.json_data['chrnames'].append([self.species.chromosomes.chromosomes[key].name, self.species.chromosomes.chromosomes[key].mb_length]) + chromosome_mb_lengths[key] = self.species.chromosomes.chromosomes[key].mb_length + + print("json_data:", self.json_data) + + + self.js_data = dict( + json_data = self.json_data, + this_trait = self.this_trait.name, + data_set = self.dataset.name, + maf = self.maf, + manhattan_plot = self.manhattan_plot, + chromosomes = chromosome_mb_lengths, + qtl_results = self.filtered_markers, + ) + + def run_gemma(self): + """Generates p-values for each marker using GEMMA""" + + #filename = webqtlUtil.genRandStr("{}_{}_".format(self.dataset.group.name, self.this_trait.name)) + self.gen_pheno_txt_file() + + os.chdir("/home/zas1024/gene/web/gemma") + + gemma_command = './gemma -bfile %s -k output_%s.cXX.txt -lmm 1 -o %s_output' % ( + self.dataset.group.name, + self.dataset.group.name, + self.dataset.group.name) + print("gemma_command:" + gemma_command) + + os.system(gemma_command) + + included_markers, p_values = self.parse_gemma_output() + + self.dataset.group.get_specified_markers(markers = included_markers) + + #for marker in self.dataset.group.markers.markers: + # if marker['name'] not in included_markers: + # print("marker:", marker) + # self.dataset.group.markers.markers.remove(marker) + # #del self.dataset.group.markers.markers[marker] + + self.dataset.group.markers.add_pvalues(p_values) + + return self.dataset.group.markers.markers + + + def parse_gemma_output(self): + included_markers = [] + p_values = [] + with open("/home/zas1024/gene/web/gemma/output/{}_output.assoc.txt".format(self.dataset.group.name)) as output_file: + for line in output_file: + if line.startswith("chr"): + continue + else: + included_markers.append(line.split("\t")[1]) + p_values.append(float(line.split("\t")[10])) + #p_values[line.split("\t")[1]] = float(line.split("\t")[10]) + print("p_values: ", p_values) + return included_markers, p_values + + def gen_pheno_txt_file(self): + """Generates phenotype file for GEMMA""" + + #with open("/home/zas1024/gene/web/gemma/tmp_pheno/{}.txt".format(filename), "w") as outfile: + # for sample, i in enumerate(self.samples): + # print("sample:" + str(i)) + # print("self.vals[i]:" + str(self.vals[sample])) + # outfile.write(str(i) + "\t" + str(self.vals[sample]) + "\n") + + with open("/home/zas1024/gene/web/gemma/{}.fam".format(self.dataset.group.name), "w") as outfile: + for i, sample in enumerate(self.samples): + outfile.write(str(sample) + " " + str(sample) + " 0 0 0 " + str(self.vals[i]) + "\n") + + #def gen_plink_for_gemma(self, filename): + # + # make_bed = "/home/zas1024/plink/plink --file /home/zas1024/plink/%s --noweb --no-fid --no-parents --no-sex --no-pheno --pheno %s%s.txt --out %s%s --make-bed" % (webqtlConfig.HTMLPATH, + # webqtlConfig.HTMLPATH, + # self.dataset.group.name, + # webqtlConfig.TMPDIR, + # filename, + # webqtlConfig.TMPDIR, + # filename) + # + # + + def run_rqtl_plink(self): + os.chdir("/home/zas1024/plink") + + output_filename = webqtlUtil.genRandStr("%s_%s_"%(self.dataset.group.name, self.this_trait.name)) + + self.gen_pheno_txt_file_plink(pheno_filename = output_filename) + + rqtl_command = './plink --noweb --ped %s.ped --no-fid --no-parents --no-sex --no-pheno --map %s.map --pheno %s/%s.txt --pheno-name %s --maf %s --missing-phenotype -9999 --out %s%s --assoc ' % (self.dataset.group.name, self.dataset.group.name, webqtlConfig.TMPDIR, plink_output_filename, self.this_trait.name, self.maf, webqtlConfig.TMPDIR, plink_output_filename) + + os.system(rqtl_command) + + count, p_values = self.parse_rqtl_output(plink_output_filename) + + def run_rqtl_geno(self): + robjects.packages.importr("qtl") + robjects.r('the_cross <- read.cross(format="csvr", dir="/home/zas1024/PLINK2RQTL/test", file="BXD.csvr")') + if self.manhattan_plot: + robjects.r('the_cross <- calc.genoprob(the_cross)') + else: + robjects.r('the_cross <- calc.genoprob(the_cross, step=1, stepwidth="max")') + pheno_as_string = "c(" + #for i, val in enumerate(self.vals): + # if val == "x": + # new_val == "NULL" + # else: + # new_val = val + # if i < (len(self.vals) - 1): + # pheno_as_string += str(new_val) + "," + # else: pheno_as_string += str(new_val) + null_pos = [] + for i, val in enumerate(self.vals): + if val == "x": + null_pos.append(i) + if i < (len(self.vals) - 1): + pheno_as_string += "NA," + else: + pheno_as_string += "NA" + else: + if i < (len(self.vals) - 1): + pheno_as_string += str(val) + "," + else: + pheno_as_string += str(val) + + pheno_as_string += ")" + + robjects.r('the_cross$pheno <- cbind(pull.pheno(the_cross), the_pheno = '+ pheno_as_string +')') + + print("self.control:", self.control) + + if self.control != "": + control_markers = self.control.split(",") + control_string = "" + for i, control in enumerate(control_markers): + control_trait = GeneralTrait(name=str(control), dataset_name=str(self.dataset.group.name + "Geno")) + control_vals = [] + for sample in self.dataset.group.samplelist: + if sample in control_trait.data: + control_vals.append(control_trait.data[sample].value) + else: + control_vals.append("x") + print("control_vals:", control_vals) + control_as_string = "c(" + for j, val2 in enumerate(control_vals): + if val2 == "x": + if j < (len(control_vals) - 1): + control_as_string += "NA," + else: + control_as_string += "NA" + else: + if j < (len(control_vals) - 1): + control_as_string += str(val2) + "," + else: + control_as_string += str(val2) + #if i < (len(control_vals) - 1): + # control_as_string += str(new_val2) + "," + #else: + # control_as_string += str(new_val2) + control_as_string += ")" + print("control_as_string:", control_as_string) + if i < (len(control_markers)-1): + control_string += control_as_string + "," + else: + control_string += control_as_string + + robjects.r('covariates <- cbind( '+ control_string +')') + + r_string = 'scanone(the_cross, pheno.col="the_pheno", n.cluster=16, n.perm='+self.num_perm+', addcovar=covariates, intcovar=covariates[,'+ str(len(control_markers)) +'])' + print("r_string:", r_string) + + if int(self.num_perm) > 0: + thresholds = robjects.r(r_string) + self.suggestive, self.significant = self.process_rqtl_perm_results(results) + r_string = 'scanone(the_cross, pheno.col="the_pheno", n.cluster=16, addcovar=covariates, intcovar=covariates[,'+ str(len(control_markers)) +'])' + + #r_string = 'scanone(the_cross, pheno.col='+pheno_as_string+', addcovar='+control_as_string+')' + + else: + #r_string = 'scanone(the_cross, pheno.col='+pheno_as_string+', n.perm='+self.num_perm+')' + r_string = 'scanone(the_cross, pheno.col="the_pheno", n.cluster=16, n.perm='+self.num_perm+')' + if self.num_perm.isdigit() and int(self.num_perm) > 0: + results = robjects.r(r_string) + self.suggestive, self.significant = self.process_rqtl_perm_results(results) + r_string = 'scanone(the_cross, pheno.col="the_pheno", n.cluster=16)' + + print("r_string:", r_string) + result_data_frame = robjects.r(r_string) + #print("results:", result_data_frame) + + qtl_results = self.process_rqtl_results(result_data_frame) + + return qtl_results + + def process_rqtl_perm_results(self, results): + + perm_vals = [] + for line in str(results).split("\n")[1:(int(self.num_perm)+1)]: + print("line:", line.split()) + perm_vals.append(float(line.split()[1])) + + self.suggestive = np.percentile(np.array(perm_vals), 67) + self.significant = np.percentile(np.array(perm_vals), 95) + + return self.suggestive, self.significant + + + def process_rqtl_results(self, result): + qtl_results = [] + + output = [tuple([result[j][i] for j in range(result.ncol)]) for i in range(result.nrow)] + print("output", output) + + + for i, line in enumerate(result.iter_row()): + marker = {} + marker['name'] = result.rownames[i] + marker['chr'] = output[i][0] + marker['Mb'] = output[i][1] + marker['lod_score'] = output[i][2] + + qtl_results.append(marker) + + return qtl_results + + def run_plink(self): + + os.chdir("/home/zas1024/plink") + + plink_output_filename = webqtlUtil.genRandStr("%s_%s_"%(self.dataset.group.name, self.this_trait.name)) + + self.gen_pheno_txt_file_plink(pheno_filename = plink_output_filename) + + plink_command = './plink --noweb --ped %s.ped --no-fid --no-parents --no-sex --no-pheno --map %s.map --pheno %s/%s.txt --pheno-name %s --maf %s --missing-phenotype -9999 --out %s%s --assoc ' % (self.dataset.group.name, self.dataset.group.name, webqtlConfig.TMPDIR, plink_output_filename, self.this_trait.name, self.maf, webqtlConfig.TMPDIR, plink_output_filename) + + os.system(plink_command) + + count, p_values = self.parse_plink_output(plink_output_filename) + #gemma_command = './gemma -bfile %s -k output_%s.cXX.txt -lmm 1 -o %s_output' % ( + # self.dataset.group.name, + # self.dataset.group.name, + # self.dataset.group.name) + #print("gemma_command:" + gemma_command) + # + #os.system(gemma_command) + # + #included_markers, p_values = self.parse_gemma_output() + # + #self.dataset.group.get_specified_markers(markers = included_markers) + + #for marker in self.dataset.group.markers.markers: + # if marker['name'] not in included_markers: + # print("marker:", marker) + # self.dataset.group.markers.markers.remove(marker) + # #del self.dataset.group.markers.markers[marker] + + print("p_values:", pf(p_values)) + + self.dataset.group.markers.add_pvalues(p_values) + + return self.dataset.group.markers.markers + + + def gen_pheno_txt_file_plink(self, pheno_filename = ''): + ped_sample_list = self.get_samples_from_ped_file() + output_file = open("%s%s.txt" % (webqtlConfig.TMPDIR, pheno_filename), "wb") + header = 'FID\tIID\t%s\n' % self.this_trait.name + output_file.write(header) + + new_value_list = [] + + #if valueDict does not include some strain, value will be set to -9999 as missing value + for i, sample in enumerate(ped_sample_list): + try: + value = self.vals[i] + value = str(value).replace('value=','') + value = value.strip() + except: + value = -9999 + + new_value_list.append(value) + + + new_line = '' + for i, sample in enumerate(ped_sample_list): + j = i+1 + value = new_value_list[i] + new_line += '%s\t%s\t%s\n'%(sample, sample, value) + + if j%1000 == 0: + output_file.write(newLine) + new_line = '' + + if new_line: + output_file.write(new_line) + + output_file.close() + + def gen_pheno_txt_file_rqtl(self, pheno_filename = ''): + ped_sample_list = self.get_samples_from_ped_file() + output_file = open("%s%s.txt" % (webqtlConfig.TMPDIR, pheno_filename), "wb") + header = 'FID\tIID\t%s\n' % self.this_trait.name + output_file.write(header) + + new_value_list = [] + + #if valueDict does not include some strain, value will be set to -9999 as missing value + for i, sample in enumerate(ped_sample_list): + try: + value = self.vals[i] + value = str(value).replace('value=','') + value = value.strip() + except: + value = -9999 + + new_value_list.append(value) + + + new_line = '' + for i, sample in enumerate(ped_sample_list): + j = i+1 + value = new_value_list[i] + new_line += '%s\t%s\t%s\n'%(sample, sample, value) + + if j%1000 == 0: + output_file.write(newLine) + new_line = '' + + if new_line: + output_file.write(new_line) + + output_file.close() + + # get strain name from ped file in order + def get_samples_from_ped_file(self): + + os.chdir("/home/zas1024/plink") + + ped_file= open("{}.ped".format(self.dataset.group.name),"r") + line = ped_file.readline() + sample_list=[] + + while line: + lineList = string.split(string.strip(line), '\t') + lineList = map(string.strip, lineList) + + sample_name = lineList[0] + sample_list.append(sample_name) + + line = ped_file.readline() + + return sample_list + + def parse_plink_output(self, output_filename): + plink_results={} + + threshold_p_value = 0.01 + + result_fp = open("%s%s.qassoc"% (webqtlConfig.TMPDIR, output_filename), "rb") + + header_line = result_fp.readline()# read header line + line = result_fp.readline() + + value_list = [] # initialize value list, this list will include snp, bp and pvalue info + p_value_dict = {} + count = 0 + + while line: + #convert line from str to list + line_list = self.build_line_list(line=line) + + # only keep the records whose chromosome name is in db + if self.species.chromosomes.chromosomes.has_key(int(line_list[0])) and line_list[-1] and line_list[-1].strip()!='NA': + + chr_name = self.species.chromosomes.chromosomes[int(line_list[0])] + snp = line_list[1] + BP = line_list[2] + p_value = float(line_list[-1]) + if threshold_p_value >= 0 and threshold_p_value <= 1: + if p_value < threshold_p_value: + p_value_dict[snp] = p_value + + if plink_results.has_key(chr_name): + value_list = plink_results[chr_name] + + # pvalue range is [0,1] + if threshold_p_value >=0 and threshold_p_value <= 1: + if p_value < threshold_p_value: + value_list.append((snp, BP, p_value)) + count += 1 + + plink_results[chr_name] = value_list + value_list = [] + else: + if threshold_p_value >= 0 and threshold_p_value <= 1: + if p_value < threshold_p_value: + value_list.append((snp, BP, p_value)) + count += 1 + + if value_list: + plink_results[chr_name] = value_list + + value_list=[] + + line = result_fp.readline() + else: + line = result_fp.readline() + + #if p_value_list: + # min_p_value = min(p_value_list) + #else: + # min_p_value = 0 + + return count, p_value_dict + + ###################################################### + # input: line: str,one line read from file + # function: convert line from str to list; + # output: lineList list + ####################################################### + def build_line_list(self, line=None): + + line_list = string.split(string.strip(line),' ')# irregular number of whitespaces between columns + line_list = [item for item in line_list if item <>''] + line_list = map(string.strip, line_list) + + return line_list + + + def run_permutations(self, temp_uuid): + """Runs permutations and gets significant and suggestive LOD scores""" + + top_lod_scores = [] + + print("self.num_perm:", self.num_perm) + + for permutation in range(int(self.num_perm)): + + pheno_vector = np.array([val == "x" and np.nan or float(val) for val in self.vals]) + np.random.shuffle(pheno_vector) + + key = "pylmm:input:" + temp_uuid + + if self.dataset.group.species == "human": + p_values, t_stats = self.gen_human_results(pheno_vector, key, temp_uuid) + else: + genotype_data = [marker['genotypes'] for marker in self.dataset.group.markers.markers] + + no_val_samples = self.identify_empty_samples() + trimmed_genotype_data = self.trim_genotypes(genotype_data, no_val_samples) + + genotype_matrix = np.array(trimmed_genotype_data).T + + params = dict(pheno_vector = pheno_vector.tolist(), + genotype_matrix = genotype_matrix.tolist(), + restricted_max_likelihood = True, + refit = False, + temp_uuid = temp_uuid, + + # meta data + timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat(), + ) + + json_params = json.dumps(params) + Redis.set(key, json_params) + Redis.expire(key, 60*60) + + command = 'python /home/zas1024/gene/wqflask/wqflask/my_pylmm/pyLMM/lmm.py --key {} --species {}'.format(key, + "other") + + os.system(command) + + + json_results = Redis.blpop("pylmm:results:" + temp_uuid, 45*60) + results = json.loads(json_results[1]) + p_values = [float(result) for result in results['p_values']] + + lowest_p_value = 1 + for p_value in p_values: + if p_value < lowest_p_value: + lowest_p_value = p_value + + print("lowest_p_value:", lowest_p_value) + top_lod_scores.append(-math.log10(lowest_p_value)) + + print("top_lod_scores:", top_lod_scores) + + self.suggestive = np.percentile(top_lod_scores, 67) + self.significant = np.percentile(top_lod_scores, 95) + + def gen_data(self, temp_uuid): + """Generates p-values for each marker""" + + pheno_vector = np.array([val == "x" and np.nan or float(val) for val in self.vals]) + + #lmm_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) + + key = "pylmm:input:" + temp_uuid + print("key is:", pf(key)) + #with Bench("Loading cache"): + # result = Redis.get(key) + + if self.dataset.group.species == "human": + p_values, t_stats = self.gen_human_results(pheno_vector, key, temp_uuid) + #p_values = self.trim_results(p_values) + + else: + print("NOW CWD IS:", os.getcwd()) + genotype_data = [marker['genotypes'] for marker in self.dataset.group.markers.markers] + + no_val_samples = self.identify_empty_samples() + trimmed_genotype_data = self.trim_genotypes(genotype_data, no_val_samples) + + genotype_matrix = np.array(trimmed_genotype_data).T + + #print("pheno_vector: ", pf(pheno_vector)) + #print("genotype_matrix: ", pf(genotype_matrix)) + #print("genotype_matrix.shape: ", pf(genotype_matrix.shape)) + + #params = {"pheno_vector": pheno_vector, + # "genotype_matrix": genotype_matrix, + # "restricted_max_likelihood": True, + # "refit": False, + # "temp_data": tempdata} + + print("genotype_matrix:", str(genotype_matrix.tolist())) + print("pheno_vector:", str(pheno_vector.tolist())) + + params = dict(pheno_vector = pheno_vector.tolist(), + genotype_matrix = genotype_matrix.tolist(), + restricted_max_likelihood = True, + refit = False, + temp_uuid = temp_uuid, + + # meta data + timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat(), + ) + + json_params = json.dumps(params) + #print("json_params:", json_params) + Redis.set(key, json_params) + Redis.expire(key, 60*60) + print("before printing command") + + command = 'python /home/zas1024/gene/wqflask/wqflask/my_pylmm/pyLMM/lmm.py --key {} --species {}'.format(key, + "other") + print("command is:", command) + print("after printing command") + + os.system(command) + + #t_stats, p_values = lmm.run(key) + #lmm.run(key) + + json_results = Redis.blpop("pylmm:results:" + temp_uuid, 45*60) + results = json.loads(json_results[1]) + p_values = [float(result) for result in results['p_values']] + print("p_values:", p_values) + #p_values = self.trim_results(p_values) + t_stats = results['t_stats'] + + #t_stats, p_values = lmm.run( + # pheno_vector, + # genotype_matrix, + # restricted_max_likelihood=True, + # refit=False, + # temp_data=tempdata + #) + #print("p_values:", p_values) + + self.dataset.group.markers.add_pvalues(p_values) + + #self.get_lod_score_cutoff() + + return self.dataset.group.markers.markers + + def trim_results(self, p_values): + print("len_p_values:", len(p_values)) + if len(p_values) > 500: + p_values.sort(reverse=True) + trimmed_values = p_values[:500] + + return trimmed_values + + #def gen_human_results(self, pheno_vector, tempdata): + def gen_human_results(self, pheno_vector, key, temp_uuid): + file_base = os.path.join(webqtlConfig.PYLMM_PATH, self.dataset.group.name) + + plink_input = input.plink(file_base, type='b') + input_file_name = os.path.join(webqtlConfig.SNP_PATH, self.dataset.group.name + ".snps.gz") + + pheno_vector = pheno_vector.reshape((len(pheno_vector), 1)) + covariate_matrix = np.ones((pheno_vector.shape[0],1)) + kinship_matrix = np.fromfile(open(file_base + '.kin','r'),sep=" ") + kinship_matrix.resize((len(plink_input.indivs),len(plink_input.indivs))) + + print("Before creating params") + + params = dict(pheno_vector = pheno_vector.tolist(), + covariate_matrix = covariate_matrix.tolist(), + input_file_name = input_file_name, + kinship_matrix = kinship_matrix.tolist(), + refit = False, + temp_uuid = temp_uuid, + + # meta data + timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat(), + ) + + print("After creating params") + + json_params = json.dumps(params) + Redis.set(key, json_params) + Redis.expire(key, 60*60) + + print("Before creating the command") + + command = 'python /home/zas1024/gene/wqflask/wqflask/my_pylmm/pyLMM/lmm.py --key {} --species {}'.format(key, + "human") + + print("command is:", command) + + os.system(command) + + json_results = Redis.blpop("pylmm:results:" + temp_uuid, 45*60) + results = json.loads(json_results[1]) + t_stats = results['t_stats'] + p_values = results['p_values'] + + + #p_values, t_stats = lmm.run_human(key) + + #p_values, t_stats = lmm.run_human( + # pheno_vector, + # covariate_matrix, + # input_file_name, + # kinship_matrix, + # loading_progress=tempdata + # ) + + return p_values, t_stats + + def get_lod_score_cutoff(self): + print("INSIDE GET LOD CUTOFF") + high_qtl_count = 0 + for marker in self.dataset.group.markers.markers: + if marker['lod_score'] > 1: + high_qtl_count += 1 + + if high_qtl_count > 1000: + return 1 + else: + return 0 + + def identify_empty_samples(self): + no_val_samples = [] + for sample_count, val in enumerate(self.vals): + if val == "x": + no_val_samples.append(sample_count) + return no_val_samples + + def trim_genotypes(self, genotype_data, no_value_samples): + trimmed_genotype_data = [] + for marker in genotype_data: + new_genotypes = [] + for item_count, genotype in enumerate(marker): + if item_count in no_value_samples: + continue + try: + genotype = float(genotype) + except ValueError: + genotype = np.nan + pass + new_genotypes.append(genotype) + trimmed_genotype_data.append(new_genotypes) + return trimmed_genotype_data + +def create_snp_iterator_file(group): + plink_file_base = os.path.join(webqtlConfig.PYLMM_PATH, group) + plink_input = input.plink(plink_file_base, type='b') + + data = dict(plink_input = list(plink_input), + numSNPs = plink_input.numSNPs) + + #input_dict = {} + # + #input_dict['plink_input'] = list(plink_input) + #input_dict['numSNPs'] = plink_input.numSNPs + # + + snp_file_base = os.path.join(webqtlConfig.SNP_PATH, group + ".snps.gz") + + with gzip.open(snp_file_base, "wb") as fh: + pickle.dump(data, fh, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) + +#if __name__ == '__main__': +# import cPickle as pickle +# import gzip +# create_snp_iterator_file("HLC") + +if __name__ == '__main__': + import cPickle as pickle + import gzip + create_snp_iterator_file("HLC") diff --git a/wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/show_trait_mapping_tools.coffee b/wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/show_trait_mapping_tools.coffee index b0eea3b6..4629296b 100755 --- a/wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/show_trait_mapping_tools.coffee +++ b/wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/show_trait_mapping_tools.coffee @@ -142,6 +142,7 @@ $ -> $("#progress_bar_container").modal() url = "/marker_regression" $('input[name=method]').val("pylmm") + $('input[name=num_perm]').val($('input[name=num_perm_pylmm]').val()) $('input[name=manhattan_plot]').val($('input[name=manhattan_plot_pylmm]:checked').val()) form_data = $('#trait_data_form').serialize() console.log("form_data is:", form_data) diff --git a/wqflask/wqflask/templates/show_trait_mapping_tools.html b/wqflask/wqflask/templates/show_trait_mapping_tools.html index 3fd98df3..61fb98de 100755 --- a/wqflask/wqflask/templates/show_trait_mapping_tools.html +++ b/wqflask/wqflask/templates/show_trait_mapping_tools.html @@ -148,6 +148,12 @@ </div> <div class="tab-pane" id="pylmm"> + <div class="control-group mapping_method_fields"> + <label for="mapping_permutations" class="control-label">Permutations (n)</label> + <div class="controls"> + <input name="num_perm_pylmm" value="2000" type="text" /> + </div> + </div> <div class="control-group" id="display_all_div"> <label class="control-label">Manhattan Plot</label> <div class="controls"> |