diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/manhattan_plot.coffee')
-rw-r--r-- | wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/manhattan_plot.coffee | 372 |
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 372 deletions
diff --git a/wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/manhattan_plot.coffee b/wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/manhattan_plot.coffee deleted file mode 100644 index d637183d..00000000 --- a/wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/manhattan_plot.coffee +++ /dev/null @@ -1,372 +0,0 @@ -lodchart = () ->
- width = 800
- height = 500
- margin = {left:60, top:40, right:40, bottom: 40, inner:5}
- axispos = {xtitle:25, ytitle:30, xlabel:5, ylabel:5}
- titlepos = 20
- ylim = null
- nyticks = 5
- yticks = null
- chrGap = 8
- darkrect = "#F1F1F9"
- lightrect = "#FBFBFF"
- lodlinecolor = "darkslateblue"
- linewidth = 2
- pointcolor = "darkslateblue" # pink
- pointhover = "#E9CFEC" # pink
- pointsize = 2 # default = no visible points at markers
- pointstroke = "black"
- title = ""
- xlab = "Chromosome"
- ylab = "LOD score"
- rotate_ylab = null
- yscale = d3.scale.linear()
- xscale = null
- pad4heatmap = false
- lodcurve = null
- lodvarname = null
- markerSelect = null
- chrSelect = null
- pointsAtMarkers = true
- ## the main function
- chart = (selection) ->
- selection.each (data) ->
- lodvarname = lodvarname ? data.lodnames[0]
- data[lodvarname] = (Math.abs(x) for x in data[lodvarname]) # take absolute values
- ylim = ylim ? [0, d3.max(data[lodvarname])]
- lodvarnum = data.lodnames.indexOf(lodvarname)
- # Select the svg element, if it exists.
- svg = d3.select(this).selectAll("svg").data([data])
- # Otherwise, create the skeletal chart.
- gEnter = svg.enter().append("svg").append("g")
- # Update the outer dimensions.
- svg.attr("width", width+margin.left+margin.right)
- .attr("height", height+margin.top+margin.bottom)
- # Update the inner dimensions.
- g = svg.select("g")
- # box
- g.append("rect")
- .attr("x", margin.left)
- .attr("y", margin.top)
- .attr("height", height)
- .attr("width", width)
- .attr("fill", darkrect)
- .attr("stroke", "none")
- yscale.domain(ylim)
- .range([height+margin.top, margin.top+margin.inner])
- # if yticks not provided, use nyticks to choose pretty ones
- yticks = yticks ? yscale.ticks(nyticks)
- console.log("data:", data)
- # reorganize lod,pos by chromosomes
- data = reorgLodData(data, lodvarname)
- # add chromosome scales (for x-axis)
- data = chrscales(data, width, chrGap, margin.left, pad4heatmap)
- xscale = data.xscale
- # chr rectangles
- chrSelect =
- g.append("g").attr("class", "chrRect")
- .selectAll("empty")
- .data(data.chrnames)
- .enter()
- .append("rect")
- .attr("id", (d) -> "chrrect#{d[0]}")
- .attr("x", (d,i) ->
- return data.chrStart[i] if i==0 and pad4heatmap
- data.chrStart[i]-chrGap/2)
- .attr("width", (d,i) ->
- return data.chrEnd[i] - data.chrStart[i]+chrGap/2 if (i==0 or i+1 == data.chrnames.length) and pad4heatmap
- data.chrEnd[i] - data.chrStart[i]+chrGap)
- .attr("y", margin.top)
- .attr("height", height)
- .attr("fill", (d,i) ->
- return darkrect if i % 2
- lightrect)
- .attr("stroke", "none")
- .on("click", (d) ->
- redraw_plot(d)
- )
- # x-axis labels
- xaxis = g.append("g").attr("class", "x axis")
- xaxis.selectAll("empty")
- .data(data.chrnames)
- .enter()
- .append("text")
- .text((d) -> d[0])
- .attr("x", (d,i) -> (data.chrStart[i]+data.chrEnd[i])/2)
- .attr("y", margin.top+height+axispos.xlabel)
- .attr("dominant-baseline", "hanging")
- .attr("text-anchor", "middle")
- .attr("cursor", "pointer")
- .on("click", (d) ->
- redraw_plot(d)
- )
- xaxis.append("text").attr("class", "title")
- .attr("y", margin.top+height+axispos.xtitle)
- .attr("x", margin.left+width/2)
- .attr("fill", "slateblue")
- .text(xlab)
- redraw_plot = (chr_ob) ->
- console.log("chr_name is:", chr_ob[0])
- console.log("chr_length is:", chr_ob[1])
- $('#topchart').remove()
- $('#chart_container').append('<div class="qtlcharts" id="topchart"></div>')
- chr_plot = new Chr_Manhattan_Plot(600, 1200, chr_ob)
- # y-axis
- rotate_ylab = rotate_ylab ? (ylab.length > 1)
- yaxis = g.append("g").attr("class", "y axis")
- yaxis.selectAll("empty")
- .data(yticks)
- .enter()
- .append("line")
- .attr("y1", (d) -> yscale(d))
- .attr("y2", (d) -> yscale(d))
- .attr("x1", margin.left)
- .attr("x2", margin.left+7)
- .attr("fill", "none")
- .attr("stroke", "white")
- .attr("stroke-width", 1)
- .style("pointer-events", "none")
- yaxis.selectAll("empty")
- .data(yticks)
- .enter()
- .append("text")
- .attr("y", (d) -> yscale(d))
- .attr("x", margin.left-axispos.ylabel)
- .attr("fill", "blue")
- .attr("dominant-baseline", "middle")
- .attr("text-anchor", "end")
- .text((d) -> formatAxis(yticks)(d))
- yaxis.append("text").attr("class", "title")
- .attr("y", margin.top+height/2)
- .attr("x", margin.left-axispos.ytitle)
- .text(ylab)
- .attr("transform", if rotate_ylab then "rotate(270,#{margin.left-axispos.ytitle},#{margin.top+height/2})" else "")
- .attr("text-anchor", "middle")
- .attr("fill", "slateblue")
- # points at markers
- if pointsize > 0
- markerpoints = g.append("g").attr("id", "markerpoints_visible")
- markerpoints.selectAll("empty")
- .data(data.markers)
- .enter()
- .append("circle")
- .attr("cx", (d) -> xscale[d.chr](d.pos))
- .attr("cy", (d) -> yscale(d.lod))
- .attr("r", pointsize)
- .attr("fill", pointcolor)
- .attr("stroke", pointstroke)
- .attr("pointer-events", "hidden")
- # title
- titlegrp = g.append("g").attr("class", "title")
- .append("text")
- .attr("x", margin.left+width/2)
- .attr("y", margin.top-titlepos)
- .text(title)
- # another box around edge
- g.append("rect")
- .attr("x", margin.left)
- .attr("y", margin.top)
- .attr("height", height)
- .attr("width", () ->
- return(data.chrEnd[-1..][0]-margin.left) if pad4heatmap
- data.chrEnd[-1..][0]-margin.left+chrGap/2)
- .attr("fill", "none")
- .attr("stroke", "black")
- .attr("stroke-width", "none")
- if pointsAtMarkers
- # these hidden points are what gets selected...a bit larger
- hiddenpoints = g.append("g").attr("id", "markerpoints_hidden")
- markertip = d3.tip()
- .attr('class', 'd3-tip')
- .html((d) ->
- [d.name, " LOD = #{d3.format('.2f')(d.lod)}"])
- .direction("e")
- .offset([0,10])
- svg.call(markertip)
- markerSelect =
- hiddenpoints.selectAll("empty")
- .data(data.markers)
- .enter()
- .append("circle")
- .attr("cx", (d) -> xscale[d.chr](d.pos))
- .attr("cy", (d) -> yscale(d.lod))
- .attr("id", (d) -> d.name)
- .attr("r", d3.max([pointsize*2, 3]))
- .attr("opacity", 0)
- .attr("fill", pointhover)
- .attr("stroke", pointstroke)
- .attr("stroke-width", "1")
- .on "mouseover.paneltip", (d) ->
- d3.select(this).attr("opacity", 1)
- markertip.show(d)
- .on "mouseout.paneltip", ->
- d3.select(this).attr("opacity", 0)
- .call(markertip.hide)
- ## configuration parameters
- chart.width = (value) ->
- return width unless arguments.length
- width = value
- chart
- chart.height = (value) ->
- return height unless arguments.length
- height = value
- chart
- chart.margin = (value) ->
- return margin unless arguments.length
- margin = value
- chart
- chart.titlepos = (value) ->
- return titlepos unless arguments.length
- titlepos
- chart
- chart.axispos = (value) ->
- return axispos unless arguments.length
- axispos = value
- chart
- chart.ylim = (value) ->
- return ylim unless arguments.length
- ylim = value
- chart
- chart.nyticks = (value) ->
- return nyticks unless arguments.length
- nyticks = value
- chart
- chart.yticks = (value) ->
- return yticks unless arguments.length
- yticks = value
- chart
- chart.chrGap = (value) ->
- return chrGap unless arguments.length
- chrGap = value
- chart
- chart.darkrect = (value) ->
- return darkrect unless arguments.length
- darkrect = value
- chart
- chart.lightrect = (value) ->
- return lightrect unless arguments.length
- lightrect = value
- chart
- chart.linecolor = (value) ->
- return linecolor unless arguments.length
- linecolor = value
- chart
- chart.linewidth = (value) ->
- return linewidth unless arguments.length
- linewidth = value
- chart
- chart.pointcolor = (value) ->
- return pointcolor unless arguments.length
- pointcolor = value
- chart
- chart.pointhover = (value) ->
- return pointhover unless arguments.length
- pointhover = value
- chart
- chart.pointsize = (value) ->
- return pointsize unless arguments.length
- pointsize = value
- chart
- chart.pointstroke = (value) ->
- return pointstroke unless arguments.length
- pointstroke = value
- chart
- chart.title = (value) ->
- return title unless arguments.length
- title = value
- chart
- chart.xlab = (value) ->
- return xlab unless arguments.length
- xlab = value
- chart
- chart.ylab = (value) ->
- return ylab unless arguments.length
- ylab = value
- chart
- chart.rotate_ylab = (value) ->
- return rotate_ylab if !arguments.length
- rotate_ylab = value
- chart
- chart.lodvarname = (value) ->
- return lodvarname unless arguments.length
- lodvarname = value
- chart
- chart.pad4heatmap = (value) ->
- return pad4heatmap unless arguments.length
- pad4heatmap = value
- chart
- chart.pointsAtMarkers = (value) ->
- return pointsAtMarkers unless arguments.length
- pointsAtMarkers = value
- chart
- chart.yscale = () ->
- return yscale
- chart.xscale = () ->
- return xscale
- #chart.lodcurve = () ->
- # return lodcurve
- chart.markerSelect = () ->
- return markerSelect
- chart.chrSelect = () ->
- return chrSelect
- # return the chart function
- chart