path: root/wqflask/scripts/run_external.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'wqflask/scripts/run_external.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 159 deletions
diff --git a/wqflask/scripts/run_external.py b/wqflask/scripts/run_external.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b44a6db7..00000000
--- a/wqflask/scripts/run_external.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-Run jobs in external processes.
-import os
-import sys
-import shlex
-import argparse
-import traceback
-import subprocess
-from uuid import UUID
-from time import sleep
-from datetime import datetime
-from urllib.parse import urlparse
-from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
-# import psutil
-from redis import Redis
-import jobs.jobs as jobs
-def print_help(args, parser):
- print(parser.format_help())
-def UUID4(val):
- return UUID(val)
-def redis_connection(parsed_url):
- return Redis.from_url(
- f"redis://{parsed_url.netloc}{parsed_url.path}", decode_responses=True)
-def update_status(redis_conn: Redis, job_id: UUID, value: str):
- "Update the job's status."
- redis_conn.hset(jobs.job_namespace(job_id), key="status", value=value)
-def __update_stdout_stderr__(
- redis_conn: Redis, job_id: UUID, bytes_read: bytes, stream: str):
- job = jobs.job(redis_conn, job_id)
- if job.is_nothing():
- raise jobs.NoSuchJob(job_id)
- job = job.maybe({}, lambda x: x)
- redis_conn.hset(
- jobs.job_namespace(job_id), key=stream,
- value=(job.get(stream, "") + bytes_read.decode("utf-8")))
-def set_stdout(redis_conn: Redis, job_id:UUID, bytes_read: bytes):
- """Set the stdout value for the given job."""
- job = jobs.job(redis_conn, job_id)
- if job.is_nothing():
- raise jobs.NoSuchJob(job_id)
- job = job.maybe({}, lambda x: x)
- redis_conn.hset(
- jobs.job_namespace(job_id), key="stdout",
- value=bytes_read.decode("utf-8"))
-def update_stdout(redis_conn: Redis, job_id:UUID, bytes_read: bytes):
- """Update the stdout value for the given job."""
- __update_stdout_stderr__(redis_conn, job_id, bytes_read, "stdout")
-def update_stderr(redis_conn: Redis, job_id:UUID, bytes_read: bytes):
- """Update the stderr value for the given job."""
- __update_stdout_stderr__(redis_conn, job_id, bytes_read, "stderr")
-def set_meta(redis_conn: Redis, job_id: UUID, meta_key: str, meta_val: str):
- job = jobs.job(redis_conn, job_id)
- if job.is_nothing():
- raise jobs.NoSuchJob(job_id)
- redis_conn.hset(jobs.job_namespace(job_id), key=meta_key, value=meta_val)
-def run_job(redis_conn: Redis, job_id: UUID):
- """Run the job in an external process."""
- print(f"THE ARGUMENTS TO RUN_JOB:\n\tConnection: {redis_conn}\n\tJob ID: {job_id}\n")
- the_job = jobs.job(redis_conn, job_id)
- if the_job.is_nothing():
- raise jobs.NoSuchJob(job_id)
- with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
- stdout_file = f"{tmpdir}/{job_id}.stdout"
- stderr_file = f"{tmpdir}/{job_id}.stderr"
- with open(stdout_file, "w+b") as outfl, open(stderr_file, "w+b") as errfl:
- with subprocess.Popen(
- jobs.command(the_job), stdout=outfl,
- stderr=errfl) as process:
- while process.poll() is None:
- update_status(redis_conn, job_id, "running")
- update_stdout(redis_conn, job_id, outfl.read1())
- sleep(1)
- update_status(redis_conn, job_id, "completed")
- with open(stdout_file, "rb") as outfl, open(stderr_file, "rb") as errfl:
- set_stdout(redis_conn, job_id, outfl.read())
- update_stderr(redis_conn, job_id, errfl.read())
- os.remove(stdout_file)
- os.remove(stderr_file)
- returncode = process.returncode
- set_meta(redis_conn, job_id, "completion-status",
- ("success" if returncode == 0 else "error"))
- set_meta(redis_conn, job_id, "return-code", returncode)
- return process.returncode
-def run_job_parser(parent_parser):
- parser = parent_parser.add_parser(
- "run-job",
- help="run job with given id")
- parser.add_argument(
- "job_id", type=UUID4, help="A string representing a UUID4 value.")
- parser.set_defaults(
- run=lambda conn, args, parser: run_job(conn, args.job_id))
-def add_subparsers(parent_parser, *subparser_fns):
- sub_parsers = parent_parser.add_subparsers(
- title="subcommands", description="valid subcommands", required=True)
- for parser_fn in subparser_fns:
- parser_fn(sub_parsers)
- pass
- return parent_parser
-def parse_cli_args():
- parser = add_subparsers(argparse.ArgumentParser(
- description=sys.modules[__name__].__doc__.strip()), run_job_parser)
- parser.add_argument(
- "--redis-uri", required=True,
- help=(
- "URI to use to connect to job management db."
- "The URI should be of the form "
- "'<scheme>://<user>:<passwd>@<host>:<port>/<path>'"),
- type=urlparse)
- return parser, parser.parse_args()
-def launch_manager():
- parser, args = parse_cli_args()
- with redis_connection(args.redis_uri) as conn:
- try:
- return args.run(conn, args, parser)
- except Exception as nsj:
- prev_msg = (
- conn.hget(f"{jobs.JOBS_NAMESPACE}:manager", key="stderr") or "")
- if bool(prev_msg):
- prev_msg = f"{prev_msg}\n"
- notfoundmsg = (
- f"{prev_msg}"
- f"{datetime.now().isoformat()}: {type(nsj).__name__}: {traceback.format_exc()}")
- conn.hset(
- f"{jobs.JOBS_NAMESPACE}:manager",
- key="stderr",
- value=notfoundmsg)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- def run():
- sys.exit(launch_manager())
- run()