{% extends "layout.html" %} {% block content %} {{ message | safe }}

Relationship with Addiction Through Searches of PubMed

RatsPub is a tool to efficiently and comprehensively answer the question "What do we know about these genes and addiction?".

RatsPub answers this question by searching PubMed to find sentences containing the query terms (i.e., gene symbols) and over 300 drug addiction-related keywords that are organized into six categories. Data from NHGRI-EBI GWAS catalog are also included in the search. These gene-keyword relationships are presented as an interactive graph and a table.

Gene alias often include non-specific words and are thus not included in the initial search. However, a list of alias can be found by clicking on the gene symbol in the results section. These alias then can be searched with a single click.

You can create an account if you need to save your results. Up to 30 gene symbols can be entered in the box below. Gene symbols can be separated by either a space or a semicolon.
Example: Rgma Nrxn3 Chrna3.

{%if "name" in session %} {{session['name']}}, your previous searches are available in the archive . {% else %} {% endif %}

Please choose keyword categories to be included in the search:
{% endblock %}