{% extends "layout.html" %} {% block content %}

What does RatsPub do?

RatsPub searches PubMed to find abstracts containing genes of interest and a list of curated addiction-related keywords. The abstracts corresponding to these returned PMIDs are then retrieve from a local archive of the PubMed. No limit on the date of publication is set. Each abstract is then broken down into sentences, which are then filtered by genes and keywords.

These gene-keyword relationships are presented as an interactive cytoscape graph.

Clicking the links will bring up the corresponding sentences in a new browser window. Clicking the keyword nodes will bring up all the terms included. Clicking on the gene nodes will start a new search to find sentences containing that gene and the top 150 addiction genes.

The top 150 addiction genes were obtained by searching All human genes against addiction related keywords. The archived results for these top addiction genes can be accessed via the Addiction Genes link.

Source code {% endblock %}