#!/bin/env python3 from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize import os import re from ratspub_keywords import * global function_d, brain_d, drug_d, addiction_d, brain_query_term, pubmed_path ## turn dictionary (synonyms) to regular expression def undic(dic): return "|".join(dic.values()) def findWholeWord(w): return re.compile(r'\b({0})\b'.format(w), flags=re.IGNORECASE).search def getSentences(query, gene): abstracts = os.popen("esearch -db pubmed -query " + query + " | efetch -format uid |fetch-pubmed -path "+ pubmed_path + " | xtract -pattern PubmedArticle -element MedlineCitation/PMID,ArticleTitle,AbstractText|sed \"s/-/ /g\"").read() out=str() for row in abstracts.split("\n"): tiab=row.split("\t") pmid = tiab.pop(0) tiab= " ".join(tiab) sentences = sent_tokenize(tiab) ## keep the sentence only if it contains the gene for sent in sentences: if findWholeWord(gene)(sent): sent=re.sub(r'\b(%s)\b' % gene, r'\1', sent, flags=re.I) out+=pmid+"\t"+sent+"\n" return(out) def gene_category(gene, cat_d, query, cat): #e.g. BDNF, addiction_d, undic(addiction_d) "addiction" q="\"(" + query.replace("|", " OR ") + ") AND " + gene + "\"" sents=getSentences(q, gene) out=str() for sent in sents.split("\n"): for key in cat_d: if findWholeWord(cat_d[key])(sent) : sent=sent.replace("","").replace("","") # remove other highlights sent=re.sub(r'\b(%s)\b' % cat_d[key], r'\1', sent, flags=re.I) # highlight keyword out+=gene+"\t"+ cat + "\t"+key+"\t"+sent+"\n" return(out) def generate_nodes(nodes_d, nodetype): # include all search terms even if there are no edges, just to show negative result json0 =str() for node in nodes_d: json0 += "{ data: { id: '" + node + "', nodecolor: '" + nodecolor[nodetype] + "', nodetype: '"+nodetype + "', url:'/shownode?nodetype=" + nodetype + "&node="+node+"' } },\n" return(json0) def generate_edges(data, filename): json0=str() edgeCnts={} for line in data.split("\n"): if len(line.strip())!=0: (source, cat, target, pmid, sent) = line.split("\t") edgeID=filename+"|"+source+"|"+target if edgeID in edgeCnts: edgeCnts[edgeID]+=1 else: edgeCnts[edgeID]=1 for edgeID in edgeCnts: (filename, source,target)=edgeID.split("|") json0+="{ data: { id: '" + edgeID + "', source: '" + source + "', target: '" + target + "', sentCnt: " + str(edgeCnts[edgeID]) + ", url:'/sentences?edgeID=" + edgeID + "' } },\n" return(json0) # brain region has too many short acronyms to just use the undic function, so search PubMed using the following brain_query_term="cortex|accumbens|striatum|amygadala|hippocampus|tegmental|mesolimbic|infralimbic|prelimbic|habenula" function=undic(function_d) addiction=undic(addiction_d) drug=undic(drug_d) nodecolor={'function':"#A9CCE3", 'addiction': "#D7BDE2", 'drug': "#F9E79F", 'brain':"#A3E4D7"} #https://htmlcolorcodes.com/ n0=generate_nodes(function_d, 'function') n1=generate_nodes(addiction_d, 'addiction') n2=generate_nodes(drug_d, 'drug') n3=generate_nodes(brain_d, 'brain') default_nodes=n0+n1+n2+n3 host= os.popen('hostname').read().strip() if host=="x1": pubmed_path="/run/media/hao/PubMed/Archive/" elif host=="hchen3": pubmed_path="/media/hao/2d554499-6c5b-462d-85f3-5c49b25f4ac8/PubMed/Archive"