diff options
authorAndreaGuarracino2023-05-15 10:02:22 -0500
committerAndreaGuarracino2023-05-15 10:02:22 -0500
commit76ed8422fd5d1ca2accc862a882ce0b6a1ebcd0a (patch)
parentadaa3f59f33476d8718bc24c6b6579c544ef53fd (diff)
add AWS notes for creating VMs there
1 files changed, 210 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/topics/aws/README.gmi b/topics/aws/README.gmi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41981dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/topics/aws/README.gmi
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+# Amazon Web Services
+## Create a virtual machine
+In the browser:
+- Log in to Amazon Web Services as "Root user" (
+- Click "Launch a virtual machine"
+- Select instance's O.S. and type
+- Create a key pair to securely connect to the instance
+- Download the created key pair (file `chosen_name.pem`)
+- Allow HTTPS/HTTP traffic from the internet
+- Click "Launch instance"
+In the local machine:
+chmod 400 chosen_name.pem` # ensure your key is not publicly viewable
+ssh -i "chosen_name.pem"` # connect to the instance (the address changes every time the machine is restarted)
+Note: select the instance and then click 'Instance state' and 'Stop Instance' to stop it.
+## Create multiple users
+In the virtual machine:
+ssh -i "chosen_name.pem" # connect to the virtual machine
+sudo adduser user1 # create a new user
+sudo adduser user2 # create a new user
+sudo sed 's/^PasswordAuthentication no/PasswordAuthentication yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config -i # allow new users to use SSH with password authentication
+sudo systemctl restart sshd # restart the SSH service to apply the changes
+## Clone a virtual machine
+- Select the instance
+- Click "Actions", "Image and templates", and "Create image"
+- Set "Image name" and click "Create image"
+- Click Images->"Create AMI in the menu on the left side
+- Select the AMI and click the "Launch instances from AMI" button
+## Set up a pangenomic virtual machine
+sudo apt-get update
+sudo apt-get upgrade
+sudo apt-get install -y \
+ git \
+ bash \
+ cmake \
+ make \
+ g++-11 \
+ python3-dev \
+ pybind11-dev \
+ libbz2-dev \
+ bc \
+ libatomic-ops-dev \
+ autoconf \
+ libgsl-dev \
+ zlib1g-dev \
+ libzstd-dev \
+ libjemalloc-dev \
+ libhts-dev \
+ build-essential \
+ pkg-config \
+ time \
+ curl \
+ pigz \
+ tabix \
+ bcftools \
+ samtools \
+ wget \
+ pip \
+ libcairo2-dev \
+ unzip \
+ parallel \
+ && sudo apt-get clean \
+ && sudo apt-get purge \
+ && sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
+sudo apt-get autoremove
+git clone --recursive \
+ && cd wfmash \
+ && git pull \
+ && git checkout 8ba3c53f327731ca515abd1ef32179f15acb9732 \
+ && git submodule update --init --recursive \
+ && cmake -H. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Bbuild && cmake --build build -- -j $(nproc) \
+ && sudo cp build/bin/wfmash /usr/local/bin/wfmash \
+ && cd ../ \
+ && rm -rf wfmash
+git clone --recursive \
+ && cd seqwish \
+ && git pull \
+ && git checkout d9e7ab59e73258f57875f2a060437735a460475e \
+ && git submodule update --init --recursive \
+ && cmake -H. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Bbuild && cmake --build build -- -j $(nproc) \
+ && sudo cp bin/seqwish /usr/local/bin/seqwish \
+ && cd ../ \
+ && rm -rf seqwish
+git clone --recursive \
+ && cd smoothxg \
+ && git pull \
+ && git checkout 956eb75644522bb2b96b4cca44b7bafa9cf02f4a \
+ && git submodule update --init --recursive \
+ && cmake -H. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Bbuild && cmake --build build -- -j $(nproc) \
+ && sudo cp bin/smoothxg /usr/local/bin/smoothxg \
+ && sudo cp deps/odgi/bin/odgi /usr/local/bin/odgi \
+ && cd ../ \
+ && rm -rf odgi
+curl -sSf | sh -s -- -y
+git clone \
+ && cd GFAffix \
+ && git pull \
+ && git checkout 3784c7ee03ee82df576474d2e119fdd88616914b \
+ && cargo install --force --path . \
+ && sudo mv $HOME/.cargo/bin/gfaffix /usr/local/bin/gfaffix \
+ && cd ../ \
+ && rm -rf GFAffix
+wget \
+ && chmod +x vg \
+ && sudo mv vg /usr/local/bin/vg
+git clone \
+ && cd vcfbub \
+ && git pull \
+ && git checkout 26a1f0cb216a423f8547c4ad0e0ce38cb9d324b9 \
+ && cargo install --force --path . \
+ && sudo mv $HOME/.cargo/bin/vcfbub /usr/local/bin/vcfbub \
+ && cd ../ \
+ && rm -rf vcfbub
+git clone --recursive \
+ && cd vcflib \
+ && git checkout 4f2bce873bc520449ec549f36aaaad65bace51ca \
+ && mkdir -p build \
+ && cd build \
+ && cmake -DZIG=OFF -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. && cmake --build . -- -j $(nproc) \
+ && sudo mv vcfwave /usr/local/bin/vcfwave \
+ && sudo mv vcfuniq /usr/local/bin/vcfuniq \
+ && cd ../../ \
+ && rm -rf vcflib
+git clone \
+ && cd fastix \
+ && git pull \
+ && git checkout 331c1159ea16625ee79d1a82522e800c99206834 \
+ && cargo install --force --path . \
+ && sudo mv $HOME/.cargo/bin/fastix /usr/local/bin/fastix \
+ && cd ../ \
+ && rm -rf fastix
+git clone \
+ && cd pafplot \
+ && git pull \
+ && git checkout 7dda24c0aeba8556b600d53d748ae3103ec85501 \
+ && cargo install --force --path . \
+ && sudo mv $HOME/.cargo/bin/pafplot /usr/local/bin/ \
+ && cd ../ \
+ && rm -rf pafplot
+pip install igraph==0.10.4
+pip install pycairo==1.23.0
+pip install multiqc==1.14
+sudo mv /home/ubuntu/.local/bin/* /usr/local/bin/
+git clone
+cd pggb
+git checkout de5303e24d3e5594a5a2c9bdeb49aba420b24b0c
+sudo cp pggb /usr/local/bin/pggb
+sudo chmod 777 /usr/local/bin/pggb
+sudo cp partition-before-pggb /usr/local/bin/partition-before-pggb
+sudo chmod 777 /usr/local/bin/partition-before-pggb
+sudo cp scripts/* /usr/local/bin/ # copy required scripts
+# Hacky-way to easily get versioning info
+sudo cp -r .git /usr/local/bin/
+git config --global --add /usr/local/bin
+cd ..
+rm -rf pggb
+# Docker (for Nextflow)
+sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine
+sudo apt-get update
+sudo apt install
+sudo snap install docker
+sudo groupadd docker # create the docker group
+sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER} # add yourself to the docker group
+# log out and log back in so that your group membership is re-evaluated
+docker run hello-world # test it
+# reboot the instance
+# Java 17 (for Nextflow)
+sudo apt install openjdk-17-jre-headless
+# Nextflow
+wget -qO- | bash
+sudo cp nextflow /usr/local/bin/nextflow
+sudo chmod 777 /usr/local/bin/nextflow
+nextflow run nf-core/pangenome -r a_brave_new_world -profile test,docker --outdir a_brave_new_world.output # test it
+nextflow run nf-core/pangenome -r a_brave_new_world --input pggb/data/HLA/DRB1-3123.fa.gz --n_haplotypes 14 --outdir uffa -profile docker -c hla.config # to ask for less resources